Case Analysis

Study Guide for Case Analysis #2 AutoZone pp. 185-186

  1. Using no more than two sentences, describe AutoZone’s strategy.

By now you have figured out that if an assignment says two sentences, it means two. No need to write more, but be sure to write at least two. What are they doing to build their business and be profitable?

  1. Based on Michael Porter’s discussion of the characteristics of an effective strategy, does AutoZone have a good strategy for growth? Explain.

What are Michael Porter’s strategies? There are four of them, listed and described in your text. Use the glossary/index if you don’t quickly locate them. When you are reading the text it helps to take note of the section headings, and if you scan through the chapter, you will find things more easily. And note: it says “explain.” Use a couple of sentences to do so.

  1. To what extent is AutoZone following the five steps of the strategic-management process?

“The Five Steps of the Strategic Management Process.” Again, it’s one of your section headings for Ch. 6. Figure 6.1 shows the steps. Since these are steps, and the drawing shows them flowing in order, where does AutoZone fit in? Have they gone through all the steps? Are they already on the feedback loop? A sentence or two ought to be enough to answer this question, and be sure to refer to the steps in your answer..

  1. Conduct an environmental scan or SWOT analysis of AutoZone’s current reality and recommend whether the company’s current strategy is poised to succeed.

You are familiar with a SWOT analysis, but if not, you will be by the time you finish your degree. It’s a tool to help managers asses their organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Your text includes information on how to do the SWOT analysis, but it isn’t necessary to include the chart in your submission. You will need to write a few sentences about your findings.

By the way, it’s pronounced just the way it looks: “Swot.” Based on your analysis, will AutoZone continue to be profitable?

  1. Which of Michael Porter’s four competitive strategies is AutoZone trying to follow? Discuss.

The Four Competitive Strategies are listed on p. 176-177. Don’t get confused with the Three Grand Strategies on p. 175. Your instructor will look for the strategy you choose, by name. And remember to “discuss” in a few sentences.

  1. What is the greatest take-away from this case in terms of strategic management?

This answer will be different for every student. What did you learn? Please write a sentence or two to let your instructor know some of your observations.