Week 2: Student Response To Discussion 1 & Discussion 2

Literary Techniques and Their Connection to Conflict in Literature~Whitney

Whitney Griffin Martin

1/25/2017 6:27:06 PM

Describe the core conflict represented in the story.

The core conflict represented in the story, A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, is an old woman, Phoenix Jackson, who is facing the struggle of aging but through the love for her grandson, walks a path with many physical and emotional challenges. Other external conflicts arise that she must overcome to get where she is headed.

Describe the theme of the story.

The theme of the story is the exertion that Phoenix experiences due to her age and walking a long way through extreme conditions. She struggles to have the strength through each conflict that arises along the path; the frozen earth, animals, bugs, the hill, a thorny bush, a creek, the barbed-wired fence, the corn maze, the dog, and the hunter with his dog. When she reaches her destination, she must climb up flights of steps to the doctor’s office. We find that she makes the trips often for her grandson to get soothing medication for his throat. She also will buy him a Christmas present which gives her even more will to make the long and treacherous journey home.

Select three literary elements/techniques in the story and describe them.

Epiphany: Phoenix experiences a hallucination on her walk and then forgets why she has come to the city. She experiences and epiphany when she remembers her grandson and the strong bond that ties them together and promises never to forget.

Flashback: When the nurse remembers what happened to Phoenix’s grandson and why she makes this trip. It explains to the reader the reason she makes this trip that is almost impossible for her.

Symbol: Old age and death are represented by many symbols in this short story. The explanation of how she looks, using a cane, her desire but decreasing energy to make the trip, the buzzard and the dried out corn, represents death that she must overcome to continue on, and her mind playing tricks on her.

Explain how the elements/techniques illustrate the theme and conflict expressed in the story.

Through the story, we do not know why Phoenix is making this difficult journey but that it must be a good reason. She overcomes her weakness and conflicts along the way. We see this through the symbol of old age and death. Through her epiphany and the flashback it is revealed to us why she makes this trek. I loved this short story!