Topic and Concluding Sentence Worksheet

Topic and Concluding Sentences

COM/170 Version 7

University of Phoenix Material

Topic and Concluding Sentences

Topic Sentences Part I – Defining Topic Sentences

A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph and summarizes what the rest of the paragraph will contain. It must always relate back to your thesis statement. For example:

My favorite hobby is painting. I started painting with my grandmother when I was four years old. She bought me my own set of paints and canvases and showed me the basic skills I would need. I try to find time for painting every week, but it has become difficult as I have gotten older. Painting will always be a very special part of my life.

The underlined sentence is the topic sentence.

Part II – Understanding Topic Sentences

Read the paragraph and highlight the best topic sentence.

Topic sentences:


A: It is winter and it snowed yesterday.

B: Our nation is one of the largest in the world.

C: I really enjoy the weather in the United States.

D: It can drop well below zero, for example.

__________________________________. I love that we have varying seasons to enjoy. In the summer it can be very hot, especially in the desert or in major cities. Winters can be very cold, bringing snow and ice to most regions. I love experiencing all types of weather throughout the year.

What is wrong with the other topic sentences? Match the letter of the remaining topic sentences to the problems they present.


Topic Sentence:

It is a specific example.

It is not general enough.

It is about something unrelated to this main point.

Part III – Create a topic sentence.

Choose one of your main points for your essay, and create a topic sentence for the body paragraph you are writing for it:

Main Point:

Topic Sentence:

Concluding Sentences Part I – Defining Concluding Sentences

A concluding sentence is the last sentence of a paragraph; its purpose is to repeat the main point of the paragraph and provide a definitive ending point for it. For example:

My favorite hobby is painting. I started painting with my grandmother when I was four years old. She bought me my own set of paints and canvases and showed me the basic skills I would need. I try to find time for painting every week, but it has become difficult as I have gotten older. Painting will always be a very special part of my life.

The underlined sentence is the concluding sentence.

Part II – Understanding Concluding Sentences

Read the paragraph and highlight the best concluding sentence.

Concluding sentences:


A: My boss is very compassionate.

B: I also plan to study business in college.

C: For example, he once ran his own business.

D: He sets a great example for the workplace.

My boss is excellent at his job. He has two business degrees and many years of experience in the field. He has won several awards within the company for his dedication to our field and encouraging his employees. He comes in early and works late quite often. ___________________________________.

What is wrong with the other concluding sentences? Match the letter of the remaining concluding sentences to the problems they present.


Topic Sentence:

It shares new information about the topic.

It is a specific example.

It is about something unrelated to this main point.

Part III – Create a concluding sentence.

Using the same main point you chose for your topic sentence, write a concluding sentence for the paragraph:

Main Point:

Topic Sentence:

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