Case Conceptualization Genogram


[Unit and Assignment Title]

[Learner Name]



[Professor Name]


[in a narrative way, a good simple abstract is a paragraph that includes five sentences:

1. Importance of the topic,

2. Purpose of the paper,

3. what contains in the paper,

4. what happens as a result and

5. discussion ]

Keywords: [write here words that describe the paper for web search]

Assignment Title

Start writing your introduction here (1-2 paragraphs). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Please double-space and remember to indent all paragraphs throughout your paper (not block form!). Aim to keep your writing objective using 3rd person (see handout in the Discussion boad). Unless required for the specific assignment, please do not include a Table of Contents, as it is not APA style. Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required (if provided.) Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past 5 years. Please use headings throughout your paper that are consistent with the paper’s scoring guide (that way you ensure you are adequately addressing all required areas.)

When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself. If it does not sound right to your ear – it is not working on paper! Please submit your papers to turnitin (link in the course homepage) to check for plagiarism. Also, remember as a Capella learner you have FREE access through iGuide to personal tutoring services with

Level 1 Heading: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections of your paper.

Level 2 Heading (if needed): Flushed Left, Boldface, Upper and Lowercase Heading

For papers in this course, this will likely be all the heading levels you will need. You can review APA 6th edition section 3.03. for more guidance.


Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of your paper.


Gladding, S. T., & Newsome, D. W. (2010). Clinical mental health counseling in community and agency settings (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.


Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has helpful tutorials. Below is a list of common errors; please pay particular attention to:

  • indenting

  • use of upper and lower case

  • italics

  • use of double-spacing

  • comma/period placement