final capstone project


Adult Obesity Literature Review

Lola Olubiyi

NRS 490

Heather Ziemianski

January 22, 2017


Obesity is a health situation whereby the affected person(s) has fats in excessive level in the body. Some individuals are unaware of the growing incidences or number of cases related to the obesity. In the United States, there are more than 70 percent of men and 60 percent women in adult population that are overweight. The risks that are associated with obesity include the development of life-threatening diseases like heart failure, cancer, hypertension gall bladder, osteoarthritis, and the category II of diabetes (Zhao, 2013).

This paper, therefore, aims at looking at the literature review of the past studies on adult obesity. In this study, data is collected from different previous studies that have discussed adult obesity. Areas of the present research and coming research on adult obesity and its complications are also addressed in this paper.

Literature Reviews

According to the study by Goededcke and his colleague, in 7786 sampled women of ages between nineteen to ninety-five years in South Africa, the black females recorded a higher prevalent of obesity and overweight.Females of different ancestry were at 52 percent, females with the white complex at 49.2 percent while the women of Indian origin were at 42.8 percent. There was higher Body Mass Index among the women residing in the towns as compared to the women living in rural places. It was noted that the Body Mass Index increased as one age. The overall rate of obesity was higher in men (29 percent) and women (56 percent) (Goededcke, 2010).

This prevalence is higher as compared to other nations in Africa especially females because 30 percent of women in South Africa of age 30 to 59 have cases of obesity. North Africa also has a higher prevalence of obesity as South Africa .

In his cross sectional study using 1430 rural and urban individuals from Luo, Maasai, and Kamba females of ages 17 to 68 years, Christensen and his colleagues found out that there was an increase in the inside and under skin fats, fat in the area of the arms and the waist circumference as one gets older. This was common among the Maasai females as well as in individuals in the urban areas. The incidence of the overweight BMI (≥ 25) and obesity BMI (≥ 30) was greater among people dwelling in town as compared to those in villages. The rate of the overweight was at 39.8 and 15.8 percent of the city and community areas respectively. Residents from cities recorded a higher rate of abdominal viscera and under skin fat thickness. High prevalence of overweight was due to the accumulation of fats among the Maasai (Christensen, 2011).

Report from the World Health Organization indicates that China, Asia, Indonesia, Japan, as well as Bangladesh have higher obesity prevalence. The pathological obesity in India is at 5five percent of the entire country's population with China having 12 percent of their adults being overweight (WHO, 2010 ).

It is evident that partnership between the health professionals whereby the patients receives counseling proves to be useful in improving the outcome of the overweight patients. The older patients quickly adapt to the behavioral health changes. According to Hillsdon and his colleague, there is effectiveness in the professional counseling and advice in the promotion of the level of the activity of the patients with obesity within a short to mid-term periods. According to their study, greater intervention intensity accompanied with more sessions tends to be more efficient. However, the limitation of this study is that it did not provide clear differences between the home and the facility-based exercise sessions, as well as the professional support and the self-directed after the guidance from the professionals (Zhao, 2013).

Environmental and policy approach also prove to be an effective intervention in reducing the cases of obesity among the adults.Environmental and policy strategy promotes the physical activities and the nutrition of the overweight individuals.Matson-Koffman and his colleague noted approve on the effectiveness of the through interventions like schooling, group assistance, rewards and the accessory to showers, gyms, and the change rooms. In conclusion, change in the menu, price reduction; labeling, improved accessory to the healthier foods in the vending machine and food services increases the purchase and consumption of the healthy foods (Soler, 2010).

Also, Swinburn and his colleagues analyzed some of the key interventions as well as the nutrition strategies that are effective in preventing the excess weight gain and the obesity. The study considered a range of interventions strategies of specific relevance to adults and named the strategies that effectively alters the purchasing of food including the nutrition signposting, the policies regarding the nutrition panels (Gortmaker, 2011).

Physical activities like walking help in reducing the body weight. A study by Ogilvie and colleagues aimed at addressing the approaches that can be applied in dealing with weight gain in a population. This study looked at whether the change in walking and cycling infrastructures leads to the reduction in the car use and change in the active transport. According to them, intervention through the modification of the support has some impacts on the weight loss. The effect caused by the infrastructural change can only be useful when there are other psychological and social factors. Therefore, the infrastructure, psychological factors, and the social factors must be modified simultaneously (Heckam, 2013).

Osteoarthritis as a complication associated with the obesity seems to go hand in hand with overweight. In his cohort study using 1420 subjects, Framingham showed that obesity was an independent risk element for the osteoarthritis complications following the adjustment of the age, physical activity, and level of the uric acid (Segula, 2014).


Obesity is an emerging problem in the society of today. It does not affect only the communities but also the entire nations; especially in developing countries.There is a need for proper interventions that aims at reducing the burden of the obesity. The interventions approach developed should partly depend on the recognition and understanding of the complications associated with the adult obesity. Therefore, there is a need by the medical professionals including nurses and clinicians to consider the complications in the obese patients and come up with precise interventions that emphasize on the benefits of the weight loss.


Christensen, A.-J. (2011). Obesity and Regional Fat Distribution in Kenyan Population: Impact of Ethnicity and Urbanization. Ann. Hum. Biol, 35(2), 232-249.

Goededcke, J. C. (2010, August 28). Chronic Diseases of Lifestyle in South Africa. Retrieved January 6, 2017, from Department of Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa:

Gortmaker, S. L. (2011). Changing the Future of Obesity: Science, Policy, and Action. The Lancet, 378(9793), 838-847.

Heckam, D. A. (2013).The 2013 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 29(5), 528-542.

Segula, D. (2014). Complications of Obesity in Adults: A Short Review of the Literature. Malawi Medical Journal, 26(1), 20-24.

Soler, R. (2010). A Systematic Review of Selected Interventions for Worksite Health Promotion: The Assesment of Health Risks with Feedback. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(2), S237-S262.

WHO.(2010). Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity, and Health. Retrieved January 6, 2017, from

Zhao, W. (2013).Epidemiologic and Economic Consequences of the Global Epidemics of Obesity and Diabetes. Nature Med, 12, 62-66.

Lola, good job. Please see my comments and track changes within your paper.