Capstone Final Project Phase 7 & 8: Powerpoint presentation & Evaluation Essay


Phase 6: Implementation of the Care Plan

Jessica Wagnon

South University Online

Holistic Professional Nursing | NSG4075 S02

Week 8 Assignment 2

Grecia Ibarra

January 17, 2017

Phase 6: Implementation of the Care Plan

The discussion of the implementation of the care plan will focus on three families with young children in Gadsden, Alabama. This particular target group has individuals across various age groups, which would have an enormous impact on the implementation of any health intervention. Children heavily rely on their background to shape their beliefs and future through the availability of vital resources in life.

In Alabama, statistics indicate a high prevalence of health disparities among the families resulting from harsh economic conditions (Xu, Town, Balluz, Bartoli, Murphy, Chowdhury, & Jones, 2013). The African Americans in the county have poorer access to medical care; poorer health outcomes as well higher mortality rates as compared to their White counterparts, which indicates the need for community interventions (Alabama Department of Public Health, 2009).

I would like to implement health literacy as a portion of the implementation plan, as it would enable the target population access medical information and other types of knowledge that would ensure it leads a healthy and disease free lifestyle.

The health literacy intervention would tackle the obesity problem in the County by providing necessary information regarding healthy nutrition habits and physical activity among individuals all age groups (Lie, Carter-Pokras, Braun, & Coleman, 2012).

I expect lifestyle change among the African-Americans living in Gadsden with a majority observing affordable healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits as well as engaging in physical activities.

I plan to implement the intervention through schools’ and community-based programs that would target every community member reaching out to the entire target population.

I will require educational materials such as pamphlets and posters communicating some of the healthy foods to the community. More so, I will need some items such as skipping ropes, balls among other sporting materials that would encourage the community to engage in physical activities helping to maintain the desired BMI.

After five months, the community and health stakeholders should be able to identify differences and reductions in the health complications and mortality rates among the African- American population through reduced mortality rates and hospital admissions with lifestyles conditions.


Alabama Department of Public Health. (2009). Retrieved 13 January 2017, from

Lie, D., Carter-Pokras, O., Braun, B., & Coleman, C. (2012). What Do Health Literacy and Cultural Competence Have in Common? Calling for a Collaborative Pedagogy. Journal of Health Communication, 17(0 3), 13–22.

Xu, F., Town, M., Balluz, L. S., Bartoli, W. P., Murphy, W., Chowdhury, P. P., ... & Jones, C. K. (2013). Surveillance for certain health behaviors among States and selected local areas—United States, 2010. MMWR Surveill Summ, 62(1), 1-247.