1) Which of the following is an example of a secondary group?

1) Which of the following is an example of a secondary group?

A) the psychology class you are presently in

B) the graduating seniors at a large university

C) a family

D) all are secondary groups

2) In-group perceptions can develop

A) any time two or more people gather

B) based on ethnicity

C) based on clear set rules

D) all of the above are reasons ingroups develop perceptions

3) What is the correct sequence of group formation, according to the text?

A) forming, storming, norming, and performing

B) storming, forming, norming, and performing

C) forming, storming, performing, and norming

D) norming, storming, performing, and forming

4) Which statement is true about the group communication networks?

A) when tasks are complicated or decisions require complex input, decentralized net-

works are best

B) centralized communication networks allow for individuals to communicate more freely

with one another

C) centralized and decentralized networks result in about the same type of performance

in groups

D) where one or two individuals control the flow of information it is called decentralized

communication network

5) With electronic communication

A) each group member has a greater likelihood of participating

B) status inequities are enhanced

C) groups are more likely to be vulnerable to problems such as groupthink

D) the highest status group members do most of the talking

6) The group polarization effect refers to

A) groups doing less work than individuals no matter what the task

B) a few group members opting to oust other group members

C) feeling less responsible during group decision making

D) groups shifting to a more extreme decision than individuals alone

7) Two well-documented leadership styles are ________ and ________.

A) severe; moderate

B) casual; intense

C) people-oriented; task-oriented

D) thoughtful; thoughtless

8) Groupthink begins when

A) the leader is not very directive or authoritative

B) the group is close-knit and attractive to members

C) the group members are not concerned with consensus

D) the group is too open to ideas from outsiders

9) Which of the following are signs of groupthink?

A) a poorly designed solution

B) isolation of the group from criticism

C) mindguards

D) all of the above

10) The text states that when choosing a career goal, it’s best to begin by

A) asking your parents, spouses, or friends for their ideas

B) taking stock of yourself

C) scanning the classified ads in the newspaper

D) looking over the Occupational Outlook Handbook

11) People who score high on the Realistic theme of the Strong Interest Inventory would

most likely enjoy a job working as an

A) engineer

B) accountant

C) stockbroker

D) biologist

12) Most job changes occur

A) as an individual faces retirement

B) during young adulthood

C) during the retirement years

D) during middle age

13) Surveys on job satisfaction show that

A) women are much less satisfied with their jobs than men are

B) professional workers are more satisfied than workers in lower-level jobs

C) most people dislike their jobs intensely

D) older workers are less satisfied than younger workers are

14) One of the best ways to increase the proportion of minority groups in the workplace is


A) lower the educational requirements for many jobs

B) provide more high tech jobs in the workplace

C) raise the educational level of minority students

D) encourage minority students to take jobs in manufacturing

15) The majority of people report their favorite activity in the evening is

A) creating works of art or crafts such as weaving and painting

B) watching television

C) talking to family members or friends

D) participating in their favorite sports activity

16) One of the stereotypes in our society is that

A) men are the natural controllers in sexual matters

B) women desire sexual variety more than men do

C) initiating sexual activity is a feminine role

D) masculinity and femininity are polar opposites

17) The characteristic that combines desirable masculine and feminine characteristics in

one person is known as

A) decidophobia

B) eccentricism

C) adrogyny

D) femasculinity

18) The phase of the sexual response cycle in which the usual signs of sexual arousal

become more pronounced as the partners approach climax is called

A) plateau

B) excitement

C) orgasm

D) resolution

19) Which is experienced by men but not women?

A) plateau

B) orgasm

C) refractory period

D) all stages in the sexual response cycle are experienced by both sexes

20) Hypoactive or inhibited sexual desire is commonly caused by

A) anger, boredom, or anxiety

B) genetic deficiencies

C) hormonal deficiencies

D) psychopathology

21) ________ is the emotional aspect (e.g. sharing, support) of love in Sternberg’s trian

gular theory of love.

A) Commitment

B) Intimacy

C) Passion

D) there is no emotional aspect of love in this theory

22) Research about attachment style shows that

A) we do not attach to our romantic partner as we did to our parents

B) people with an avoidant style are very attracted to each other

C) attachment styles have little impact on later positive adult attachments; early attach-

ment styles only affect negative attachments later in life

D) parents influence the style of their children

23) Studies of divorce indicate that

A) most divorces are initiated by the women

B) men and women are equally involved in initiating the divorce

C) men initiate most divorces

D) meddling in-laws induce divorce

24) Statistically, second marriages are

A) more likely to be cross-racial

B) less likely to last as long as first marriages

C) more likely to end in divorce than first marriages

D) none of these is true

25) About ________ percent of divorced people remarry within one year after their divorce.

A) 25

B) 40

C) 55

D) 10