Building a home network.



watch the video and use the information to complete week three lab. This lab requires you to create and configure a home network using packet tracer software provided and using the sample home network configuration attached as a gide. configure each device and take a screan shot of the configuration and past in a word document as shown in the attached sample document.



Types of Network

Operating Systems

Home Network:

Home network is a group of devices- such as computers, wireless router, wireless tablets and smart phone device that connect to the internet and each other. Home network connects in two ways, a wired network, which connects devices like printers and scanners with cables and wireless network, which connects devices like tablets and e-readers without cables. Home networks allow you to do to get connected to the internet, Connect to the internet from multiple computers, games system, mobile devices and more. Access files and folders on all devices connect to the network. Manage security settings for all networks devices in one place.

In the below diagram, I have shown my home network which has wired and wireless connection. The wireless gateway, wireless capability that allows you to connect devices with and without cables at the same time.

Home network diagram:

Building a home network. 1

IP configuration: PC0

Building a home network. 2


Building a home network. 3

Test connectivity: PC1 communicate to PC0 and Tablet PC0.

Building a home network. 4

Setting of WPA and Password Cisco

Building a home network. 5


Building a home network. 6


Building a home network. 7


Building a home network. 8


In the above diagram shows my home network, we have 2 tablets, 1 smart phone, and 2 computers. All the people in my house use these devices those are connected to Wi-Fi and access internet. Our network is password protected and uses a password to access it. Our router is inbuilt with hardware firewall and all our devices are protected from malicious attacks by software firewall. Password of our network is configured in such a way that it alerts us for update for every 30 days.

Connecting wireless network:

Generally, we use a switch or router to connect all the computers in a network. Router is a device used to connect the computers to the internet, if there are more than 2 computers we may use switch along with router. The main disadvantage of Hub is it distributes the same signal/response to all the computers in a network and it leads to traffic congestion in a network. By using the cable, once we develop the connection in between the computers than we can able to share data from one computer to another computer by enabling sharing technique in between computers.

To use a wireless network, a modem is required. Wi-Fi router is used to get the signal form the service provide and then a modem is connected to the router to transmit the radio waves, these waves enables components to connect without running any cable between each device. Generally laptops are used for wireless networks, because, Wi-Fi technology is embedded in modern laptops. With home networking we can use one Internet connection between two or more computers to save money. One computer will link up to the Internet with a modem and the other computer will route its Internet traffic through the same link.


Wireless router Communication, retrieved October 3rd, 2014, from