5 page paper

Watson, J. B. & Rayner R. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3(1), 1 - 14. (Links to an external site.)


  1. Link to article to write your term paper is above….. This paper MUST be submitted electronically through Turnitin.com by the appointed time and date listed in Writing Assignment in Canvas. No late papers will be accepted for any reason.

  1. This paper is to be approximately five (5) pages in length, not including the references. The texts of the paper starts on page one with; a) title of the paper from IN THEIR WORDS, Author(s) Name(s), date of publication and b) your name, course name and number, department, university and the due date. The text starts immediately after. The paper must be in APA format and typed using MS Word with a font size of 12 pt (please use spell checker and grammar checker). The link below will direct you to a web site that can help you with APA format.


  1. You are to a minimum of six (6) references. References that are acceptable for citation must be from scientific journals or scholarly texts. Popular press articles are not acceptable for the term papers.

  1. While writing your term paper make sure that you address all as of the topic. To enhance critical thinking, advance reasoning, and writing skills, your arguments must be based on empirical evidence and the scientific literature. Opinions and speculations should be kept to a minimum. Faith based arguments, such as the bible or god, are not acceptable arguments for your term papers.

  1. After writing your paper you must submit your paper to Smarthinking or have it reviewed by the Writing Center. Smarthinking is an on-line writing center that will assist you in your writing. You may also get assistance from the University Writing Center located in the Helen T. Chick building.

  1. Your paper MUST be submitted to me through Turnitin.com (see Canvas for submission of reaction papers).