Final Paper

Running Head: Company Technology and Social Media 0

Company Technology and Social Media




Describe how the company uses technology to meet customer needs

Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world. This company has managed to stay at the top against all odds, swiftly changing its products to match customer needs. Despite the numerous competitors in this field Apple products are still on high demand worldwide. Though Apple does not heavily depend on social media to market and sell its products, the company has managed to keep an active online presence, through its website, hence reaching to its customers worldwide. This makes it easier for the company to meets its customers’ needs. The policies of the company promote customer relations. The company, for instance, has a customer friendly empathy policy using the three F’s (Feel, find, found). This policy makes the customers feel cared for and thus safe shopping at their stores.

Review the company’s page on a social media site and explain how it is used to provide customer service

Unlike other companies which have effectively moved to social media to widen its customer base. For instance, the company only recently opened an official twitter handle, which only provides support for the customers, @AppleSupport (Retrieved from ). While Apple has generally been reluctant to use social media as a platform to communicate with its customers market its products, this twitter handle shows how much the company values its customers. The amount of effort that the company is willing to put to ensure customer satisfaction is evident from the speed with which it has proceeded to answer the customers’ questions on twitter. Generally, however, Apple has spent less time on social media than most of its competitors.

Review the company’s website. Describe how it provides customer service and meets customers’ needs. Explain how it provides reasons for customers to use it.

Apple provides effective customer service online by putting the needs of the customers first. The company through its website offers a wide range of products for customer purchase hence it is a one stop store (Retrieved from http:// ). The company places products in different categories making shopping easier for its customers. A feature of the company’s website that enables better performance is the support page. Through this page, customers get to air their complaints. This not only gives Apple an idea of how it can meet customers’ needs more effectively but also ensures that any problem that rises out of the sale of the products is quickly solved.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this site in providing the company’s customer service?

A main weakness in Apple’s customer service is the failure to effectively use social media to reach out to its customers. The younger generation puts more emphasis and time on social media as compared to the older generation. For Apple to effectively reach out to this customer base, the company has to invest more in social media.

Online customer service through the company’s website is one of the company’s strengths. The website is easy to use and whenever issues arise, a customer can easily get assisted though the support page in the website. The opening of a twitter handle to support customers only makes customer service at twitter better.

