Final Paper


Apple’s Customer Services



Apple’s Customer Services

Customer service is vital to any organization/company since it is the only contact that the client/customer has with the organization. Customers are an important element to an organization and for this reason; they must be valued and treated with care to ensure that they keep coming back and refer the business to friends and family owing to their experience with the organization.


Apple Company is well known above everything else offering full attention to its customers. Steve Jobs, Apple Company founder had a good reputation for being ingenuously particular regarding every interface, part, and material used for making his products. This attention was and is still extended to the customers.

As a way of providing to its customers, Apple Company offers some of the best products in the market. Apple boasts of a loyal customer base owing to it standard products; thus an Apple product customer remains to be an Apple client for the better part of his/her interaction life with technology. Apple offers high standard products that help in retaining its customers.

Apple has a way of overcoming the concerns of its customers. This means that, it caters for the needs and concerns of its customers. For example, majority of Mac-book users prefer it over other laptops and software because one does not have to install an antivirus to protect the laptop from virus risks and threats. By having a well protected type of laptop, Apple is able to cater for those customers concerned about threats of viruses and antivirus installation. Additionally, antivirus requires regular updating and failure to do so may render the antivirus insignificant. Such concerns and other technological concerns are catered for by Apple, thus enabling the company attract new customers, as well as, retain the ones it has; this acts as its customer service strength.

Another characteristic that offers Apple a distinct advantage over its competitors is its way of customer Service recovery. In case of a mistake, Apple diligently listens to the clients complaint, make them know that they understand, apologize, resolve and diagnose the mistake in order to understand how the mistake took place. All Apple Company employees are trained to do respond in that manner under such circumstances (Gallo, 2012).

In some cases Apple exceeds customer expectations, making it a number one choice for many. For example, recently, late 2016, Apple recalled its phone 6s for faulty batteries. Apple Company agreed to swap all the faulty phone batteries with new one, as the faulty ones caused the iphone 6s phone to shutdown unexpectedly. Not many companies would agree to such a mistake or even swap the faulty batteries. Some would silence in order to preserve their reputation. This is an act that exceeds customer expectations (BBC News, 2016).


According to a story published by an Apple product customer, Apple ignores complaints sent via social media and other means of communication via the internet. After experiencing a failure with the cloud technology offered by Apple, the client attempted to reach the office to no avail. This is a weakness Apple has in its customer services (Ziegler, 2016).

In order to hide its mistakes, Apple has a tendency of lying to the public. For example, Apple claimed that the recent incidences of faulty batteries in its iphone 6s phone was as a result of the battery being exposed to ambient air longer than it is suppose to. This is lie because some clients owing the phone claimed of not opening the phone at all (BBC News, 2016).

In conclusion, Apple’s Customer services are incredible and good customer services outdo the bad services. Some of its customer services strength include offering its client quality products, solving the concerns of its clients, listening to its customers and accepting mistakes done. Some of its weaknesses include ignoring complaint sent via social media and lying to cover for mistakes. Generally, the company has remarkable customer services which explain its success and loyal customer base since 1976.


BBC News. (2016). Apple to swap ‘faulty’ iphone 6s batteries. BBC News. Retrieved from

Gallo, C. (2012). Apple's Secret Employee Training Manual Reinvents Customer Service in Seven Ways. Forbes. Retrieved from

Ziegler, B. (2016). Apple | Store Amsterdam | Customer Service Failure | Digital Transformation Pending. Linked in. Retrieved from