DQ question unit II

MBA 5652, Research Methods 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit II Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Discuss the importance of research -based decision making in a company. 1.1 Identify issues and problems in a company that might be addressed with the use of a research study. 1.2 Explain a company’s indicators that point to either effective or ineffective use of research. 2. Examine the developmental components of a research study. 2.1 Explain how the use of secondary and primary research within a company will aid in the development of a research study. 8. Summarize how a company applies research methods to solve problems within the organizatio n. Reading Assignment In order to access the following resource(s), click the link(s) below: Phillips, A. (2015). OH research: How to conduct surveys. Occupatio nal Health , 67 (1), 27 -29. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.libraryresources.c olumbiasouthern.edu/docview/1655359410?accountid=33337 Younger, P. (2010). Using Google Scholar to conduct a literature search. Nursing Standard , 24 (45), 40 -48. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/l ogin?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direc t=true&db=a9h&AN=52721542&site=ehost -live&scope=site Unit Lesson The unit lessons for this course are presented through interactive presentations. Each slide has audio that accompanies it. Once the narration for each slide is complete, the presentation will automatically advance to the next slide. If you would like to stop the presentation on any slide, click the pause button on the bottom left hand side of the presentation. When you are finished wat ching the presentation, simply close the browser window. To view the lesson, click on the link below: http://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/mba5652_unitii/ The presentation contains closed captioning if needed. To learn how to enable this feature, click here to view a guide on navigating and using the presentation. To print the presentation with a transcript for each slide, click here . Suggested Reading To learn more ab out the six stages of a research process, take a few minutes to watch this video. This video will also cover what the final product of a research project should include. Jackson, J. (2011, November 18). Six stages of a research process [Video file]. Retr ieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE -45vg2PyI UNIT II STUDY GUIDE Development of a Research Study MBA 5652, Research Methods 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title