SIOP Model Planning Sheet

Name of Lesson/ Subject /Grade : Date: Common Core State Standards (or state standards): Content Objectives: Language Objectives: Key Vocabulary: Materials: Essential Question: Higher order Questions: SIOP Model Planning Sheet Ba se d on the le sson pla n you se le cte d, you w ill the n de te rmine w ha t Common Core Sta te Sta nda rd(s) tha t w ould a lign w ith the le sson. Re me mbe r, CCCS a re only for ma th a nd English la ngua ge a rts, so if you choose the scie nce or socia l studie s le sson, you w ill ha ve to go to your sta te ’s de pa rtme nt of e duca tion w e bsite a nd loca te the sta te sta nda rds for the se tw o subje cts. He re is a link to find the CCSS in ma th a nd English la ngua ge a rts : http://w w w .core sta nda a d -the -sta nda rds/ He re you w ill list the conte nt obje ctive s (1-2) for your se le cte d le sson. Some le ssons ma y ha ve the m, but the e x pe cta tion is tha t you w ill formula te the m so the y a re me a sure a ble . Be gin a ll conte nt obje ctive s w ith: The students will be able to… See Se ction 8.2 of your te x t a nd h e re is a n a dditiona l re source to support the de ve lopme n t of conte nt obje ctive s: http://www.educa ti onoa s i s .com/curri cul um/LP/LP_res ources /l es s on_o bj ecti ves .htm The la nguage objectives a re base d on the English La nguage De ve lopment sta ndards tha t address the four language domains: reading, writing, listening, and speak ing. It is re quired that you provide at least on e language objective covering one of the four language domains. Be gin all language objectives w ith: The stude nts w ill be a ble to…. Se e Secti on 8.2 of your te xt a nd t he following w ebsite might be helpful for you w he n developing your language objectives: http://w List a ll ke y voca bula ry ne ce ssa ry for your ELL stude nts to ha ve succe ss w ith this le sson. Re me mbe r, a ca de mic voca bula ry is e sse ntia l for our ELLs in he lping the m to a cquire both conte nt a nd la ngua ge de ve lopme nt. Think a bout a ll the ma te ria ls you w ould ne e d for this le sson pla n, including those you might use w he n diffe re ntia ting your in struction so tha t your ELL stude nts w ill ha ve e qua l a cce ss to the conte nt. W rite this in a list forma t. From your EDU 382 course , you should ha ve le a rne d a bout forming e sse ntia l que stions. Re me mbe r, the se a re not que stions tha t ha ve de finitive a nsw e rs, ra th e r e nga ge stude nts in critica l thought, de e pe n the ir unde rsta nding. He re is a n e x a mple : Non -Essential: W hat are the parts of a plant? Essential: W hy should we save the rainforests? He re is a n a dditiona l link to support your unde rsta nding: http://w w w .a tions/books/10900 4/cha pte r s/W ha t -Ma ke s -a-Que stion -Esse ntia l%A2.a spx W rite a t le a st tw o que stions tha t you w ould a sk your stude nts throughout your le sson pla n tha t w ould e nga ge the m in highe r or de r thinking que stions. Using the ve rb list from Bloom’s Ta x onomy, focus on a sking que stions tha t a ddre ss a na lysis, synthe sis, a nd e va lua tion. http://w w w .cte .corne ll.e du/docume nts/Asse ssme nt %2 0 -%20 Bloom s%2 0Ta x onomy %2 0 Action %20Ve rb s.pdf For example: Describe the difference among vascular and non -vascular plants and the purpose of these differences that allows them to survive in their environment. Student Activities: Scaffolding:  Modeling  Guided  independent Grouping:  whole class  small group  partners  independent Processes:  reading  writing  listening  speaking Strategies:  hands -on  meaningful  links to objectives Activities and Strategies: Review and Assessment:  Individual  Group  Written  Oral Formative Assessment Summative Assessment SIOP Model Reflection: Se le ct a ll tha t w ould a pply re ga rding the four a re a s of stude nt a ctivitie s. Discuss the follow ing a nd use this link to he lp you formula te your ide a s: http://hope middle .w e e -8-compone nts -of-siop.html 1. Building Back ground Knowledge : How might you a ctiva te prior know le dge a nd link to prior know le dge ? 2. Comprehensible Input: How might you ma ke conte nt compre he nsible ? List a t le a st tw o stra te gie s a s it re la te s to your le sson pla n. 3. Strategies : List tw o stra te gie s you might use to support stude nts in providing prope r sca ffolding. 4. Interaction: How w ill stu de nts be inte ra cting in this le sson w ith othe r stude nts a nd w ith you ? 5. Practice/Application: How w ill stude nts ha ve me a ningful e x pe rie nce s w he re the y c a n a pply w ha t the y ha ve le a rne d using ha nds -on a ctivitie s? How w ill the y ha ve multiple opportunitie s to pra ctice ? Se le ct a ll tha t w ould a pply in how you pla n to a sse ss your stude nts. Describe how you plan to evaluate your students using a formative assessment. Examples include exit tickets, discussions, journaling, thumbs up /thumbs dow n. De scribe how you pla n to e va lua te your stude nts using a summa tive a sse ssme nt. Using a minimum of 250 words, respond to the following reflection: Examine the eight components of the SIOP framework : preparation, building back ground, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice application, lesson delivery, and review/evaluation. Explain why each of these eight components support s the language development of our ELLs while also acquiring content k nowledg e. W hat does it mean for a teacher to “shelter” his or her instruction? How might these components be effective for all students? Be sure to utilize your text and the videos to support your reflection. Reference(s) You must re fe re nce your te x t tha t should ha ve be e n cite d in your re fle ction. If you ha ve a dditiona l source s use d, be sure to list the m he re a s w e ll using APA forma tting. He re is a link to Ashford W riting Ce nte r support: https://a w c.a shford.e du/cd -a pa -re fe re nce - mode ls.html