Cross Cultural Essay _ Technology in Society

Criterion 1

10 points

8 points

Needs Improvement
6 points

0 points

Statement of the contemporary social issue

Issue is clearly and concisely stated with few or no writing errors

Issue is evident, but could be more clearly stated; may have minor writing errors.

Issue is unclear, poorly written.

Issue is not stated or incomprehensible

Criterion 2

25 points

20 points

Needs Improvement
15 points

0 points

Supportive Evidence

Paper is clearly and well supported by research that includes more evidence than appeared in the Reference Summaries.  The additional references may include journalistic reports but there must also be at least three scholarly sources (which may also appear in your Reference Summaries).

Paper is supported by research that includes more evidence than appeared in the Reference Summaries.  The additional references may include journalistic reports but there must also be at least two scholarly sources (which may also appear in your Reference Summaries).

Paper is not well supported by research but there must still be evidence of the use of published resources which may also appear in your Reference Summaries.

Paper is not supported by published research.

Criterion 3

40 points

32 points

Needs Improvement
24 points

15 points

0 points

Cross-cultural comparisons

Excellent comparison and contrast between/among at least two distinct cultures that may include the US but must include at least one other culture.

Good comparison and contrast between US culture and at least one other culture.

Fair comparison and contrast between two cultures

Inadequate comparison or contrast between cultures.

No comparison between cultures

Overall Score

3 or more

2 or more

1 or more

0 or more