Module 05 Course Project - Finalize Project Schedule and Mitigate Any Delays


Statement of Work (SOW) and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Name: Rodney Wheeler

Institution: Rasmussen College

Course: B362/GEB3422 Section 02 Business Project Management

Date: 01/21/2017

Module 03 Course Project

Statement of Work (SOW)


Statement of work (SOW) is a document that defines the activities required to complete a project. It is used in project management to define specific activities, milestones, deliverables and timelines for executing the project. It is used to ensure that all the project activities are performed according to the specification by defining project activities and project plan. In this case, the statement of work (SOW) will provide a detailed view of events associated with the Rodney Wheeler project contract with U.S Army. The SOW needs to be accepted by the U.S Army and Rodney Wheeler for it to be implementable. It also highlights the period of time that the project is expected to last and the deliverables in all project milestones.

Business Need

The U.S Army Ground and Special forces team is involved in war in various parts of the war. As such they require a specialized Backpack which has the ability to hold their radio module and have a refrigerated pouch for keeping their drinks cool due to adverse weather conditions. This is the reason why the U.S Army has contracted Rodney Wheeler for the design, development and production of such backpacks which will improve the quality of lives within the Ground and Special Forces team who deal with harsh environmental conditions. The project is required to provide the U.S Army with specific military equipment which will support them while in combat. However, the U.S Army has ordered for such a small number of specified military backpack since it aims at having the project as a prototype to test the viability of the backpack in training so as to determine the modifications and improvements to be made in order to produce the highest quality backpack that can withstand extreme harsh conditions. The backpack must meet the U.S Arm several requirements which are multi-purpose support, durability, and camouflage design.

Scope of Work

Rodney Wheeler has signed a contract with U.S Army, the Ground Forces and Special Operations team to supply them with 200 units of Backpack with inbuilt refrigerated pouch together with radio module. The project has a manpower requirement of 100 employees who will be involved in design, production and development of the 200 units. The project requires a lot of resources thus 100 units will be produced in the first year starting on 1st September 2016. The remaining 100 units will be provided in batches of 50 units after every three months. The first half of the project is estimated to be completed by 1st September 2016 and the other half to be completed by 1st March 2017. The U.S Army has allocated a budget of $1,500,000 without potential increase in budgetary allocation.

Strategic Plan

The project will commence by an in-depth briefing by Rodney Wheeler to the entire project team on the project’s activities and milestones then to the U.S Army which is the client on the project requirements. However due to the nature of the project, the procurement team will negotiate for affordable credit terms with vendors who are required to supply military specific raw materials at competitive prices so as to keep the project in operation. The project is expected to take around one year six months. The contract was awarded on 1st September 2015 but does not commence until 30th October after receiving payment of the first installment. Rodney Wheeler will hold a meeting with the client on 16th November 2015 for briefing of the backpack requirements and an internal meeting with project stakeholders to initiate the project. Design review will be conducted a later on.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)




Start Date

End Date

Total estimated days

Point of Contact (POC)


Delay in scheduled payment.

The company is informed by the client that the scheduled payment will be delayed by 3 months.





Project Payment

The delayed payment is availed



Rodney Wheeler




Client material pattern briefing

The client reports that the material pattern for the back pack does not meet specifications



U.S Army





Client briefing

The client puts forward that they would like the initial delivery to adjust from 100 units to 150 units.


Project Engineers analysis

The project engineering team states that the refrigerated module does not perfectly fit into the design of the back-pack pouch



Project Engineers




Assigning Subcontractors

The subcontractor assigned with the task to design the radio module for the back-pack pouch unexpectedly fails to meet the delivery schedule




Rodney Wheeler

