Psychology careers

Running head: SHORT TITLE 0



Instructor: Heather Corriveau

Psychology Career Review

American Public University Systems


There are no indentations for the abstract. It remains double spaced, size 12 font, and Arial or Times New Roman style. This section should be less than 250 words long.

Child Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Counseling Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Clinical Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Developmental Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Experimental Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Forensic Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Health Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.


This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

School Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Social Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences.

Sports Psychologist

This is where you will begin the two paragraphs for this particular career. Be sure that you cover all areas required in the assignment description.

They are job responsibilities, work locations, education requirements, license requirements, career outlook, and percentage growth.

Immediately following the two paragraphs, you are to note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. This third paragraph should only be about three to four sentences


This section of your paper should be two to three paragraphs long. It is dedicated to you comparing and contrasting the way that the 12 careers are communicated in the Occupational Outlook Handbook vs. how it is communicated on the website. You can answer which had the format that was easiest to navigate and understand; which had the most information that would give someone accessing them;


Last name, First name initial. (year) Title of the source. The Name of the Journal that the title was taken from, (volume, issue), p x-x. Retrieved from URL on this date.

Last name, First name initial. (year) Title of the source. The Name of the Journal that the title was taken from, (volume, issue), p x-x. Retrieved from URL on this date.

Last name, First name initial. (year) Title of the source. The Name of the Journal that the title was taken from, (volume, issue), p x-x. Retrieved from URL on this date.

Last name, First name initial. (year) Title of the source. The Name of the Journal that the title was taken from, (volume, issue), p x-x. Retrieved from URL on this date.