project plan, outline and deliverable (3)

Final Deliverable: Culture, Climate, and Ethical Decisions

In designing your presentation, refer to the guide on creating a narrated PowerPoint presentation. In addition, prepare a brief memo (no more than three pages) that outlines your key points.

Consider the following among the key things your presentation will need to address:

  • Define concepts: Define organizational culture, climate, and ethical decisions and practices.

  • Identify consequences: Describe the likely consequences of these concepts for an organization’s operations.

  • Describe culture and climate: Describe the current organizational culture and climate.

  • Describe approach to ethical decisions and practices: You may find it valuable to reflect upon your work in the organizational analysis, particularly your identification of your organization’s values.

  • Assess implications for organization: Assess the implications of the above issues for your organization. For example, what does it mean that the organization has the type of culture and climate you identified? Again, think about your organizational analysis, particularly your identification of the organization’s mission and competitors.

  • Recommend actions: Recommend actions your COO should consider implementing to facilitate a shift in the organization’s culture, climate, and ethical decision-making to ensure closer alignment with its organizational mission and values. If you don’t see a need for any changes, why?