M5A1 Business


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Kelly Privatte

Excelsior College

BUS 323

Sexual harassment is one of the issues being experienced in job places today. Sexual harassment encompasses verbal, written and physical behavior of any sexual kind normally by a senior to junior personnel and vice versa without his or her consent. This can be termed as unethical behavior in the workplaces. Therefore, ethics can be described as doing what one thinks he or she is right without considering other peoples’ perceptions. Unethical issues such as sexual harassment should not go unpunished and strict measures should be put in place to help solve this issue. The document presented herein will explore sexual harassment as one of the unethical issue experienced in the organization today.

Sexual harassment ranges from uninvited sexual comments, jokes, hostility among coworkers among others. This can create an unfavorable environment to other employees. Most people become a victim when a junior staff wants to get some favors from the top management.

Sexual harassment mostly arises whenever there is an opportunity for promotion. In this case, a junior staff may seek favors from managers in exchange of an intercourse (Dromm, 2012). In addition, in a situation where one wants no action to be taken against him or her due to late reporting or absenteeism for work.

Based on the above discussion, sexual harassment can impact on organization performance. It usually creates a hostile environment to other workers. Additionally, when managers give favors to other cohorts, it reduces the morale of others which eventually leads to reduced performance (Dromm, 2012).

In conclusion, sexual harassment are unethical behavior which should not be tolerated at all cost. The laws and policies governing sexual harassment are in place but those involved go unreported because the juniors fear of losing their jobs. Lastly, most organization have codes of conducts and punishments prescribed to each, therefore strict punishment should be applied to all without considering the rank.


Dromm, K, (2012). Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues. Broadview press. ISBN 978-1554810109