Revision/ Cretique paper.

1.You did not follow the instructions of the this paper in that the instructions state that you find and critique an article that is based on one of the theories or models discussed in class so far.  Without my knowledge of the theory you are presented, I am unable to accurately assess your paper. In addition the summary of the theory should be brief (1 paragraph), the major components of the paper should be you evaluation of the adequacy of which the theory/model was employed and the strengths and weakness of the intervention in relation to the theory/model. Make sure to review the detailed instructions on the Word document posted under the Paper 1 assignment folder in Blackboard before re-writing and re-submitting your paper. Let me know if you have questions.

2.under Paper #1 titled ‘Article Critique—Detailed Instructions’. It is a two page document. You may still do your critique on an intervention article that involves vaccinations, however, you need to make sure it uses one of the theories/models we’ve discussed in class so far.