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In-class workshop topic: Interviewing (but more than just the basics)

In-class workshop needs analysis instruments: Online questionnaire & key consultation/interview with College Match executives

* please contribute 5 questions (questionnaire) relating to the in-class interview workshop (total of 10 questionnaire questions for each topic as mentioned below with sample example questions)

Examples of questionnaire questions you must provide similar to that:

1. What type of previous interview training have you had? (video, workshop, role play, other)

2. What was the most difficult step in process of interviewing? (getting an interview, the interview, follow up)

3. Describe your fashion style for the interview (casual, business casual, business professional)

4. Did your appearance reflect the qualities you wished to showcase at the time of interview? If not, why not?

5. Do you follow up with a thank you letter/email?

Westside Pacific Villages (company) Online Questionnaire

* please contribute 5 questions relating to the volunteer program

Volunteer type (daytime driver, weekend driver, handyman, computer/electronic device support/training, yard work/gardening, chores/light housekeeping, walking buddy/friendly visitor, pet care, general office, writer, event planning/celebration connection)

Examples of questionnaire questions you must provide similar to that:

1. How long was the training process?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how applicable was the information given during training to on-the-job volunteering?

3. What is your preferred learning style (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinestetic/hands on)

4. Please list a question or topic you were interested in knowing more about after training

5. Was the information presented during training relatable to your life? If not, how so?

Examples of questionnaire questions you must provide similar to that:

1. Were there any key terms that were difficult to understand without further explanation?

2. If you could change an aspect of the program, what would it be?


