
Annotated Outline

Your annotated outline must contain references to all six of the articles in your annotated bibliography.

Article 1= Waxer, C. (2009, February 16). CLASH of the GENERATIONS. (Computerworld, 43(7), 16-20






Article 2= Arnold, K., & Williams, K. (2008, November). Playbook: Dealing With Generational





Crosstalk. Parks & Recreation, 43(11), 18-19


Article 3=Gloeckler, G. (2008, November 24). HERE COME THE MILLENNIALS. (Cover story). Business Week,






Article 4=Havenstein, H. (2008, September 22). Millennia’s Demand Changes in IT Strategy. Computerworld, 42(38), 12-13.


Article 5=Junginger, C. (2008, September). Who Is Training Whom? The Effect of the Millennial Generation. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,


For your annotated outline, you must:

  • Divide the outline by appropriate section headings. For more information on section headings, see the Headings section of the APA module r.

  • Divide each section by paragraph, ensuring that you have outlined the required elements of an academic paragraph

  • Include citations for each entry of summary, quotation, or paraphrase.

  • Include any additional definitions, examples, or opposing viewpoints that you plan to use in your literature review, along with a full APA reference so that you can relocate the source and cite it in your paper's final References section.