Formulating Leadership Part II

Formulating Leadership Part II 1

Formulating Leadership Part II

Grading Guide

LDR/300 Version 5

Innovative Leadership


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Learning Team Assignment: Formulating Leadership Part II Purpose of Assignment

This assignment explores current challenges within organizations that relate to various theories (including transformational leadership), skills, and approaches to leadership. In this assignment, your team develops a presentation to senior leadership that will motivate them to encourage millennials as leaders in your organization since 60% of your company consists of millennials. Leaders within your organization are reluctant and uninformed about these viewpoints. During Week 2 of this course, your team initiated your plan in Part I of this assignment.

Resources Required

The Art and Science of Leadership, Ch. 6

Management Roles: Leading video

Grading Guide



Partially Met

Not Met


The team determines how to cultivate millennials as leaders.


The team identifies the pathway necessary to accomplish the goal of cultivating millennials as leaders by identifying the objective(s), methods of achieving the objective(s),and ways to measure success.

This team evaluates how transformational leadership may assist in this process.

The team’ includes at least one video presentation within a slide.

The team showcase some of the best practices needed by companies in order to prepare future leaders.

The team cites a minimum of three peer reviewed sources not including the text.

The presentation is between 10 to 15 slides in length with speaker notes, and is appropriate for the audience.

The presentation includes relevant media and visual aids that are consistent with the content.

Total Available

Total Earned



Presentation Guidelines


Partially Met

Not Met


The presentation is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, font sizes, and white space.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference slide.

The presentation includes an introduction and conclusion that preview and review major points.

Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.

Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.

Total Available

Total Earned




Assignment Total



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