quick outline


Blended Families Abstract

Azurdee Brown

Liberty University


A blended family arises when couples with children from other relationships decide to live together and bring their children along. The children might move in permanently or on a temporary basis depending on their ages. However, children might still find it hard to adjust to the changes. They might get confused on where they belong. Sometimes, they might feel grief that their parents have separated. They might wonder where to call home. Even so, Blended families if worked well and proper counseling done, it can be joyous to both the parents and the children. Marriage counselors should do appropriate advice. The counselor should teach the children on how to accept the changes in their lives. Also, the parents are taken through the importance of listening to their children’s needs. It is important for parents to allow the children make their decisions in life. If the requirements are monitored, blended families are likely to last, and the parties involved achieve happiness.