Health Care Environment & Systems Paper

NUR 532: Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System| i Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System Course Description Three hours per week theory. Prerequisite: Permission of nursing faculty and successful completion for NUR 506. Students will explore and analyze the role of the nurse leader as i\ t relates to the healthcare system.

Included in this analysis is the delivery of safe, effective, and efficient patient care. The course focuses on \ the business of health care, including the internal and external environ\ ment, financing of health care, and resource management and utilization. The legislative and regulatory processes as they are related to changing the health care system are explored.

Course Objectives Upon completing the course, the student will be able to:

• Analyze and evaluate the US health care delivery system and key functional components • Critique various delivery systems and patient care models and the advantages/disadvantages of ea\ ch.

• Analyze the role of the advanced practice nurse in the context of an eve\ r-changing health care delivery system • Evaluate the concepts of health and disease, risk factors, and the role \ of health promotion and disease prevention • Explore various types of health services professionals, practice requirements, and qualifications of health\ services administrators • Evaluate the role of medical technology in healthcare delivery • Evaluate both regulatory and market-oriented approaches to contain costs in healthcare systems • Articulate federal and state laws, regulations, and payment systems which \ affect the provision of care and the organization’s finances.

• Identification of issues of access for vulnerable populations • Identification of issues in healthcare delivery, standards, and outcomes • Discuss future trends and how they will affect health care delivery • The expanding role of nursing leadership in assessment and planning rela\ ted to current healthcare issues • Examine the magnet status journey and the 14 Forces of Magnetism 03/21/2016 ii Topic Outline 1. Patient-centered care in clinical practice 2. Roles and functions of patient care team members 3. Healthcare delivery systems and patient care models 4. Federal and state payment systems 5. Role of the governing body of the healthcare organization 6. Utilization of research findings 7. Organizational cultures and structures 8. Non-healthcare constituents within the community 9. Incorporating evidence-based research into nursing practice Teaching Strategies • Assigned Readings • Online Discussion Activities • Collaborative Learning Teams • Guest Speakers • Lecture/Discussion • Discussion Boards • Student Presentations • Written Projects Evaluation Methods All students will be evaluated using the following methods:

Discussion Board (8 @ 25 points each) 200 Poster: Comparison of U.S. Health System with one other Country 125 Health care environment and systems paper 175 Presentation of health care environment and systems topic 100 Total Points 600 NUR 532: Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System| iii Final Grade The course grade will be determined by summing the number of points each\ student receives. Letter grades will be assigned according to the following point accumulation: A 549–600 points A- 537–548 points B+ 525–536 points B 489–524 points B- 477–488 points C+ 447–476 points (passes but on academic probation) Below this level – course is failed C 417–446 points F 416 points and below Required Textbooks/Reading Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2015). Delivering health care in America – A systems approach (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett Publishers.

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of The American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.

Classroom Policies Policies regarding attendance, tardiness, examinations, promotion, and written assignments are stated in the School of Nursing Handbook. Students are responsible for knowing these p\ olicies and adhering to them.

Cell Phones and Electronic Equipment: Out of consideration for others, please turn your cell phone to the silent mode. If it does not have a silent or vibrate mode, please turn i\ t off. Please do not use computers, tablets, or cell phones for personal use during class.

03/21/2016 iv Honor Code Truth has been identified by the profession as a value essential to nursi\ ng. To underscore the importance of truth, honesty, and accountability, students, faculty, and staff in the Jacksonville University School of Nursing adhere to the following honor code:

“I do not lie, cheat, steal, or condone those who do”. Egregious a\ cademic misconduct will result in dismissal from the School of Nursing.

Academic Integrity Misconduct Policy Students are responsible for reading and adhering to the Jacksonville Un\ iversity Academic Integrity Misconduct Policy. This policy can be found in the Jacksonville University Academic Catal\ og: Learning Disabilities Statement Any student with a visible or non-visible disability who requests “re\ asonable accommodation” to his or her condition should provide medical and/or psychological documentation of t\ he disability to the Student Life Office and refer to the information in the JU catalog and Student Online\ Handbook for additional information regarding student disabilities. A student with a learning disability sho\ uld weigh carefully with his/her advisor the requirements of the nursing program in order to ascertain its suitability, given the nature of the disability. NUR 532: Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System| v Class Schedule DateTopic ReadingsAssignment(s) Week 1 Course Introduction Online Classroom Orientation Selection of country for Comparative Analysis assignment A Distinctive System of Healthcare Delivery Health Services Professionals Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 Course Syllabus Shi and Singh: Ch. 1 & 4 Discussion Board (25 points):

• Identify which health system model you would recommend and why?

• Is the supply of health care professionals sufficient for the health care demand?

• What are some of the major workforce related issues and challenges preparing for the changes in our health care delivery system?


Selection of country for Comparison Analysis assignment.

Week 2 Inpatient Facilities and Services Shi and Singh: Ch. 8 Discussion Board (25 points):

• What types of inpatient facilities exist in the United States? Describe the facility you currently work at or have in the past and discuss the services provided.

• Are they sufficient to meet community needs?

• What services, if any, are needed?

03/21/2016 vi Week 3Outpatient and Primary Care Services Shi and Singh: Ch. 7 Discussion Board (25 points):

• Changes in the health care delivery system have led to a decline in hospital inpatient days and a growth in ambulatory services. What services have developed in your community to meet the demand for ambulatory services?

• How is this impacting emergency services in your community?

Week 4 Managed Care and Integrated Organizations Objectives: 1–11 Shi and Singh: Chs. 9 Discussion Board (25 points):

• Has the quality of care declined as a result of managed care? What role will the MCOs play under ACA?

• Does your health care facility belong to an integrated model of care? What services are integrated? Assignment:

Students will submit their Health Care System Comparison poster to the Discussion Board and respond to any questions asked about their presentation. Poster must be submitted by Monday of Week 4. NUR 532: Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System| vii Week 5Long-Term Care Objectives: 1–11 Shi and Singh: Ch. 10 Discussion Board (25 points):

• Investigate a Long term care facility in your area. What services (both living and health) does it provide? • Are there sufficient numbers of LTC facilities in your area to meet the needs to the aging population?

Week 6 Governmental Health Care Objectives: 1–11 Shi and Singh: Ch. 6 Discussion Board (25 points):

• Describe the governmental health care organizations in your area. What population do they serve? • Is the number sufficient to meet needs?

• How are they viewed by the community?

Week 7 Cost, Access, and Quality Health Policy The Future of Health Services Delivery Objectives: 1–11 Shi and Singh: Ch. 12, 13, & 14 Discussion Board (25 points):

• You are a lobbyist in Washington D.C.; explain which of the ANA’s or AANP’s top federal legislative initiatives you will lobby for and why.

• Despite our significant investment in health care, the United States is ranked in the bottom of the list among developed countries. Explain why. Can the health reform promote the United States’ health care standing?


Health care environment and systems paper due by Sunday night of Week 7.

03/21/2016 viii Week 8Student Presentations Health Care Environment and Systems Objectives: 1–11 No assigned readings this week.

Discussion Board (25 Points):

• Each student with post their presentation of the Health Care Environment and Systems presentation. Each student is expected to answer any questions asked about his or her presentation.

Presentation must be posted by Monday of week 8 Discussion Board Participation (200 points) Students are required to post a scholarly substantive response to each w\ eek’s Discussion Board by Sunday of each week (utilizing APA 6th ed. citations). Each student is required to post a minimum of fou\ r times each week. Two of the posts must be posted by Wednesday of the week; one of these two posts must address the question/s posted by the student presenter/instructor. The remaining two posts must be completed by the following Sunday. These posts are follow-up responses to the instructor or classmates t\ hat facilitate the discussion. The insightful response must be substantive rather than just an “I \ agree” response.

Please use relevant current literature (within 5 years), together with\ personal leadership and clinical experience in nursing as a basis for discussion. Board Assignments are asynchronous learning activities which allow students to research and present pertinent information to the entire class. Failure to participate or to participate in a less than meaningful fashion will result in no points awar\ ded. Only postings before 12:00 p.m. ET at the end of the week will earn points. Note: There are no make-up provisions for a missed discussion. NUR 532: Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System| ix Discussion Board Expectations ComponentsExceeding Expectations 4 Points Average Expectations 2 Points Below Expectations 0 Points Consistency of Responses • Frequent and even distribution throughout the module • Constant engagement in the discussion • Responds in a timely fashion • Demonstrates good self- initiative • Initiates discussion topics • Uneven distribution throughout the module • Makes some contributions to the online discussions but not always present • Responds most of the time to messages • Infrequently initiates discussion topics • Uneven and infrequent distribution throughout the module • Limited participation • Only participates when prompted by the instructor Evidence of Understanding • Clear that readings and course materials were accessed and understood • Issues and knowledge gained incorporated well into responses • Learner shows excellent reflection on the course content and into their own learning • Some integration of the content of readings and other course materials • Opinions and ideas are stated clearly with occasional lack of connection to topic or readings • Some evidence of reflection on own learning • It is not clear that readings or course materials were understood or used in the learner ’s own knowledge construction • Makes irrelevant remarks which are unrelated to the topic being discussed Depth of Commentary • Examples of learner thoroughly identifying and analyzing issues, implications of the topic and generating new issues or concerns for consideration • Comments offer new insights • Some evidence of learner thoroughly identifying issues, offering implications and generating some new concerns for consideration • Some postings offer new insights • Comments are usually to simply agree or disagree with limited analysis or synthesis • No evidence of insight into own learning 03/21/2016 x Degree of Engagement• Often presents reflections that become central to the team discussion • Interacts freely and encourages others • Consistently presents creative reflections on the topic • Aware of team needs • Frequently prompts further discussion • Occasionally makes meaningful reflection of team’s efforts • Some effort to become involved in the team • Somewhat aware of the needs of the team • Sometimes prompts further discussion • Not actively involved in the online discussion • Does not feel the need to belong or participate in team activities • Only participation after prompting from the instructor Posting Responses with References • Consistently uses an APA formatted reference citation for all posts (as applicable) • Occasionally uses an APA formatted reference citation for posts (as applicable) • Never uses an APA reference citation for posts (as applicable) Health Care Environment and Systems Paper (175 Points):

Select a health care environment or delivery system and explores the issues related to that particular environment (military, long-term care, acute care systems, etc.). Introduce the organization\ /facility selected, the accreditation status, and the average daily census, services provided, community it serves. How does this organization does fits into the US health system? How does health p\ olicy impact this facility? Explain the facility’s governance, finances, and reimbursement methods. What are the chal\ lenges faced by the facility due to new trends/policies. Explain how the Affordable Care Act impacts the \ organization/facility.

This paper needs to follow APA guidelines, double-spaced and includes headings and should be 8-12 pag\ es (not including the title page and reference page). A minimum of eight \ current (less than five years) references from peer reviewed journals is required. NUR 532: Nursing Leadership and the Healthcare System| xi Grading Rubric: Topic:Point Value:Points Earned:

An overview on the type of facility researched including community it serves 30 Governance/Financial Management/HR/Staffing/Patient Population 40 Health Policy Impacts 30 Challenges Faced By the facility Due to New Trends 30 ACA Impact on Cost, Quality, and Access at the Facility 20 APA/Grammar/Spelling/Formatting 25 To t a l 175 Health Care Environment and Systems Presentation (100 Points):

Students will present to the class on their health care environment and \ systems. The method of presentation is up to the student. Options can include video, Poster, PowerPoint, etc. The presentation should be no longer than 10-15 minutes; please be creative with the presentation to discuss \ issues with class and to maintain audience interest. Topic: Point Value:Points Earned:

Organization (Introduction, Content, Conclusion) 50 Creativity in Delivery (Computer-Generated materials, Videos, Posters, Handouts) 20 Time Management 10 Audience Engagement, Interaction, Questions and Answers 10 Grammar/Spelling/Formatting 10 To t a l 10 0 03/21/2016 xii Comparison of U.S. Health Care System with a Selected Country (125 Poin\ ts):

For this assignment, students will compare the U.S. health care system wi\ th the healthcare system of a selected country. The presentation should cover the following topics at a minimum follow\ ing:

• A description of the country (e.g., geography, population, culture) • Overview of the health care system • How the health care system is financed/ Services covered • Summary of nursing training and licensing requirements • Pros and Cons of the health care system • What can the U.S. system learn and incorporate from this country This assignment is presented as a poster. Please refer to to download a free template for your poster. Grading Rubric: Topic: Point Value:Points Earned:

A description of the selected country 20 An overview of the healthcare system 25 How the health care system is financed/services covered 20 Summary of nursing training and licensing requirements 20 Summary of nursing training and licensing requirements 20 Presentation, appearance, eye contact 10 Grammar/Spelling/Formatting of poster 10 To t a l 125