Journal Assignment Week 9

Institutional Approver (IA) Request Form

When is this form used:

This form must be filled out and sent to [email protected] when a research/dissemination request is in one of the following categories:

  1. Requests from department, programs, faculty, staff, or students who wish to publish or present Walden information and/or using data (primary or secondary) outside of Walden that were generated originally for internal use (such as study results provided to the program from OIRA or program studies at conferences or in journals).

  1. Requests from fulltime and part-time employees (staff or faculty) of Walden University who wish to conduct research as a student involving Walden data, faculty, students, or staff that will be published or presented outside of Walden (including dissertations).

  1. Requests from fulltime and part-time employees (staff or faculty) conducting personal research involving Walden data, faculty, students, or staff that will be published outside of Walden and/or is personal research (not part of their regular duties in their position at Walden).

  1. Any internal use generated interviews, or focus groups that will result in contact with Walden students, faculty, or staff when the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) or Market Research (MRI) are not doing the data collection.

Use of Walden Data (Information and/or Secondary Data): Walden information (program details, operations, etc. and/or secondary data may be used by students, faculty, or staff for their personal/student research and/or publication/presentations (including dissertations) with the following approvals:

  • The researcher must get approval from the supervisor/director of the department that collects/manages/houses the information/data to have access to the data and that the department will provide the researcher the data.

    • Obtaining permission of the supervisor/director of the department that collects/manages/houses the information/data does not guarantee that the researcher will be allowed to access the data.

    • Note that it may not possible for the department to provide the data based on the current capacity of the office/department that houses the data ability to fulfill the data request.

  • The researcher must get approval to have access to the information/data from the Institutional Approver.

    • Due to the proprietary nature of some data and FERPA rules the Institutional Approver may not be able to grant the request.

  • IRB approval

Recruitment of Walden Students: Direct recruitment of Walden students will not be allowed outside of the Walden Participant Pool (emails, announcements in classrooms, announcements in newsletters, etc.) for personal/student research conducted by students, faculty, and/or staff.

  • Exception to rule: If the faculty and/or staff (including faculty and staff that are in a dual role of also being a Walden student) are conducting a study that has direct implication to Walden University as an institution, is related to Walden’s strategic objectives, and/or is deemed by OIRA to be research that can impact a program or service, then the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (OIRA) may assist the researcher by collecting data (survey for example) and providing it to the faculty and/or staff member as secondary data. Note that this may not be possible based on the data being collected, research question(s), and/or the current capacity of the OIRA.

  • IRB approval

Recruitment of Walden Faculty:

  • Walden Faculty who are recruiting other Walden Faculty for personal/student research need to use the Walden Participant Pool to post their study but can also post an announcement directing faculty to their research in the Participant Pool in the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) newsletter once they have received IA approval, CFE approval (IA will communicate with CFE), and IRB approval.

  • Students who wish to recruit Walden Faculty for their research must do so via the Walden Participant Pool and cannot communicate with faculty directly.

  • Exception to rule: If the faculty and/or staff (including faculty and staff that are in a dual role of also being a Walden student) are conducting a study that has direct implication to Walden University as an institution, is related to Walden’s strategic objectives, and/or is deemed by OIRA to be research that can impact a program or service then the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (OIRA) may assist the researcher by collecting data (survey for example) and providing it to the faculty and/or staff member as secondary data. Note that this may not be possible based on the data being collected, research question(s), and/or the current capacity of the OIRA.

  • IRB approval

Recruitment of Walden Staff: Walden Staff can be recruited for research studies by other Walden Staff and Faculty with the following guidelines/permissions in addition to IA and IRB approval:

  • The staff being recruited for participation in research cannot be direct reports of the individual conducting the research/data collection.

  • The manager/supervisor/director of the department where the staff who are being recruited need to approve the request (via signature on form or email to [email protected]).

  • The staff/faculty member must have their faculty chair (if dissertation student) and/or immediate supervisor approve the request on the IA form.

  • IRB approval

Approval Process

  • Obtain permission as listed in above guidelines as needed (supervisor, committee chair, department, etc.)

  • Submit this form along with the IRB application (if available) to [email protected].

  • The Institutional Approver will email the researcher any questions they may have about the research and will also work with CFE or other departments as needed to determine if approval can be given.

  • A decision email will be sent to the researcher from the Institutional Approver and the IRB email will be cc’d.

  • Once approval has been given from the Institutional Approver and IRB, data can be requested from department or collected from participants (following guidelines above).

Review the Policy on the Request and Release of Walden University Data in the Walden Faculty Handbook for complete policy details.

  1. Requestor Information


Title (if faculty or staff)


Other Department



Student Name (for student research requests only)

Title of Research Project

  1. Other Researchers

Please list all individuals working with you on this project (including committee members if student request):


  1. Request Details

Please describe your request in detail. Be as specific as possible with respect to project type, population that will be contacted, data requested (type, terms, etc.) and how the data will be used.

Please select all options below that are related to your request:

Request for job related research (not personal, only used internally)



Faculty Conducted Research (personal)

Student Conducted Research (personal—if also faculty or staff member conducting research in their role as a student please check this box as well as the faculty or staff box)

Staff Conducted Research (personal)

Permission to conduct Survey or Interviews (all questions must accompany this request)

Request for secondary data (existing Walden data; please specify type under “other”)

I am also requesting that OIRA assist me in data collection.

Please use the space below to describe the research you are proposing including the research questions and methodology you will be using. (You must fill this out if you are not also attaching an IRB application)

1. Research Questions—if in IRB form please indicate

2. Data you wish to use (description of data, the system where it is stored, who “owns” the data and if you already have permission from them to access the data—if in IRB form please indicate).

3. Methodology (including data analysis—if in IRB form please indicate).

If you are conducting a survey: You need to include who will be surveyed; how the population/sample will be determined; and the survey questions—if in IRB form please indicate



Any and all data provided or obtained as a result of the above request is provided to the listed requestor on a need to know basis. The proper use and dissemination (where appropriate) of this data is the sole responsibility of the requestor.


All questions of usage of the provided data should be researched using available resources including, but not limited to, your manager, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Law, and the Laureate legal department.

*Note that most research requests require IRB approval before data collection can begin.*

Please re-enter your name exactly as entered above to indicate you have read and understand the disclaimer.

  1. Supervisor Information (to be completed by the supervisor)

Note: Walden University staff and faculty are required to receive supervisor approval for any research requests, prior to submitting this form. The supervisor should fill out this section to confirm approval of this research request.

For student requests: The committee chair is to fill out the information below and send the form and supplemental documents to [email protected]

Supervisor Name

Supervisor Title

Supervisor Department

Other Department

Supervisor Email

Date of Supervisor Approval