Final Project: Organizational Analysis


Theoretical Analysis


University affiliation

The organization that will be the basis of this analysis is the justice department. Justice department is a broader department that deals with the handling of issues as it pertains to the provision of the general and the executive assistance and the much-needed supervision to the office of the United States. They also do evaluation of the performance especially in the office of the attorney general and the United States. It goes on and makes some inspection and reports on the different issues. They also correct wrong actions as indicated in the different reports. They also coordinate and direct all the relationship that are available in the office of the Attorney general and the whole department of justice. They take part in the establishment of the policies and the procedures used in the satisfaction, collection and the recovery of the fines that have been imposed on different criminals, penalties, the special assignment, interests, and bails bond among others. (Hitt, Hoskisson, & Ireland, 2013).

How the assessment will be done


It is an important thing that is to be done in an organization so that there be higher and consistent rate of productivity. In motivating the employees, there are many things that are done by the department. They include offering of incentives, promotion among others. Different ways of motivation will be looked at keenly.


Here it will be important to look at the level of productivity of the different groups of workers. How productive they are will be determined by their ability to meet the set targets within the limited times.


Here the analysis will look at the different workforce that is available and that are involved in the department. Their sexes and racial composition will also be a major point of focus. There are different groups of individuals that are working in the department. This kind of diversity will be interrogated in greater levels (Shaffer, & Kipp, 2010).

Group development and team building

Here, different activities that are done to ensure that the group develops will be looked at. The rates of success that is attributed to the development will also be a major point of concern.

Team building is one key thing that is done at the department. It will be important to know the different activities that are done by the justice department so as to assist in team building. The department exists and operates with different groups of diverse individuals. These individuals work as a team. They hence need to be encouraged to pursue more education and to develop their careers to the greater heights.

Collaboration and subsequent coordination with the outside contractors

At this point, it will be vital to examine the relationship that exists between the justice department and other centers or departments. How to they award contracts and the different complaints that arise because of their contract awarding processes. There will also be a keen need to look at the different contractors and the relationship that they had with the justice departments.

The justice department has interacted with different other companies during doing their operations. It is such level of collaboration for example with the different departments that will be of great focus to the department (Shaffer, & Kipp, 2010).

Decision making and the communication process

Keen analysis will be on the different ways that are looked at when making decisions. Other thing includes the level of the implementation of the decisions. After the decisions, have been made, it will be vital to look at how the communication is done and the different channels that are used in communicating the decisions and in sending the feedback to the management.

Since the department is wide, the theoretical framework that is followed in making of decisions and communication will be vital and will determine the approach that is utilized in steering the company to greater heights of success.

Power and politics

Power and politics play a major role in the justice department. This will be looked at in levels such as how the politics have influenced the decisions that have been made by the organization. The centers of power in the department must be looked at and the distribution of power in the organization.

The role of the external politics in the management of the justice department will also be a key thing. The political worlds always want to have some influence on the management of the affairs of the justice department. It is this that is to be looked at in greater length.

The organizational culture

This is a crucial thing in any organization. The culture of the justice department will be examined in the way it produces the products, the relationship with the employees and the general members of the public, and finally, the role of the organization in the community. The organizational culture will be the driving force that will bring out all the activities that are done in the organization and the impact that they have general community (Nevid, 2012).


Shaffer, D. R., & Kipp, K. (2010). Management of organization. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Nevid, J. S. (2012). Theory of organizations Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Hitt, M. A., Hoskisson, R. E., & Ireland, R. D. (2013). Justice department. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.