Due by Thursday Night 2/9/2017


Project Proposal: Integration of Technology in the Classroom

Larry Ratliff Jr

Strayer University

EDU 543

January 26, 2017

Dr. Katz

In the recent years, learning institutions have recognized the need to adopt and integrate computer-based technologies in their operations. The adoption of computer-based technologies has brought a great impact on the students resulting in the effective acquisition of knowledge (Ruiz, et al., 2006). This paper examines a project proposal on computer-based technologies in schools.

i) Summary of current teaching environment and potential impact on students

The school currently lacks any form of computer-based technology. The students, therefore, have not accessed digital learning. The learning environment is characterized by a high population of students who come from poor background. The school is located in the city hence it can effectively embrace both infrastructural and technological development. The rise in the number of students, the school management has been experiencing a shortage of resources. For example, the classrooms, the teaching materials as well as the teachers cannot efficiently cater for the needs of all learners in the school.

ii) Readiness and rationale for integration of technology

The school is ready to embrace technology in the curriculum. The students have shown interest in learning with the aid of computer-based technologies. The students have in the recent past recommended for the school management the need to adopt computer-based technology with the aim of enhancing knowledge acquisition. Another factor that makes the learning institution ready for the integration of technology is its proximity to the city. The school is located inside a city hence it can easily access resources such as electricity that can be used to power the computer-based technologies.

iii) Potential barriers to the integration of technology

Several barriers may hinder effective implementation of the plan in the school. For example, the students lack basic skills in handling computer-based technologies such as PC s and laptops. Moreover, the learners come from a poor socioeconomic background hence they may lack the morale of using computer-based technology. Another barrier is the lack of skills among the teachers that can hinder the adoption of computer-based technology in the school.

iv) Technological tools

The technological tools that can be used include supportive links from the internet, WI-FI connect hotspots and servers. Moreover, other tools that will be needed include personal computers, laptops as well as routers. These technological tools will create a sustainable environment for the adoption and integration of computer-based technology in the school.

v) Benefits that will be achieved

The benefits that will be achieved include enhanced computer knowledge among the students. The learners will acquire knowledge on how to use a computer for communication both locally and globally (McDonald, 2002). The teachers will also enhance their knowledge in computer-based technologies through teaching the students. Another benefit that will be achieved is improved general performance of the students. Through the use of computer-based technologies, the students will be able to undertake research on the internet hence resulting in improved performance in the school. The students will also acquire computer skills that can result in the acquisition of employment in the job market. The school will also be recognized as a center of excellence that advocates for digital literacy.

vi) Specific issues that can affect students’ participation in the program.

The negative issues that can affect the participation of the students include; negative perception about computer-based technologies. Some students may have a belief that computer-based technologies are meant for students from higher socio-economic backgrounds. This mentality can become a barrier to the adoption of the computer-based program. Moreover, the teachers may lack the skills that are required in teaching the learners about computer-based technologies. The school may also lack other resources that can support the computer-based technologies. According to Roschelle et al., (2000), measures that can be used to solve these problems include; creating awareness among the students on the benefits of the computer-based technologies. Moreover, the teachers should undergo training to enhance their skills. The school should also acquire other supportive resources such as electricity and computer labs that can help in the program.


In summary, there is an increasing need to adopt and integrate technology in learning institutions. Through the adoption of computer-based technologies, the school can enhance the knowledge and skills of the learners. Moreover, the teachers can also enhance their skills through teaching the student's computer knowledge. Therefore, teachers should be trained on how to effectively teach computer-based knowledge among the learners. The adoption and integration of computer-based technologies can, therefore, create an enabling environment for globalization.


McDonald, A. S. (2002). The impact of individual differences on the equivalence of computer-based and paper-and-pencil educational assessments. Computers & Education, 39(3), 299-31

Roschelle, J. M., Pea, R. D., Hoadley, C. M., Gordin, D. N., & Means, B. M. (2000). Changing how and what children learn in school with computer-based technologies. The future of children, 76-101.

Ruiz, J. G., Mintzer, M. J., & Leipzig, R. M. (2006). The impact of e-learning in medical education. Academic medicine, 81(3), 207-212.