Reserved For Wizard Kim

DQ 4

Please write at least 250 words for each question. Also, double check the work for plagiarism and please cite all quotes.

  1. Does language come from cognitive processes? Or is language and mental cognition separate? Explain.

  2. Language structure is important in cognition, but is it really? For example, if a child said to you, “You, me, cookie, go, now, hurry,” you would know what the child meant, even though what is said is not grammatically correct. How is that possible?

  3. Is there a critical period for language? Is so, what might this imply about learning multiple languages in school?

  4. Who is Noam Chomsky? What was one of his major innovations as a linguist?

CH. 9

  1. What is the Whorfian hypothesis of linguistic relativity? Evaluate the empirical evidence bearing on it.

  2. Describe the modularity hypothesis and its implications for the study of language as part of cognitive psychology.

  3. What does it mean to say that our knowledge of linguistic rules is implicit rather than explicit? Discuss the implications of this statement.

  4. What does the term “grammar” mean to linguists and psychologists? How does their understanding of the term differ from that of a layperson?