I need help for paper of business information system.

Request for Proposal MGMT 393 Group Case Project


A.1 introduction

We invite vendors to submit proposals and prepare a presentation to design and implement and support a corporate informations system in accordance with the requirements, terms, and conditions of this Request for Proposal (RFP).

This RFP sets forth the requirements for all services and solicits a detailed response from vendors to include pricing, design, drawing, and service descriptions in the specified format.

Our objectives are to implement a new startup business and have a newly developed business information system that will allow us to be competitive within our industry. We believe this can be accomplished with an effective Manaement Information System that comprises of a reliable computer network, data communications services and various information technology components.

A.2 Background Information

Our new startup company is called Eagle Ridge Aviation and we are an airplane reseller with our headquarters in Denver, CO approximately 15 employees in Denver, Irvine CA, and Orlando FL. Our projected corporation’s annual revenues for the 2017 fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, is estimated 4 million. Our goal is to sell 2 airplanes per quarter at an average selling price of $500,000 per airplane.

We currently have not purchased any technology including computers or accounting software. This is especially proving to be difficult for the accounting department which performs all accounting services with the “old fashion” GAAP standards of double entry accounting (book-keeping) by hand. The sales and marketing departments have equally struggled without the availability of computers.

Our company also does not have a phone system in place either and currenty just using our cell phones.

A.3 General Conditions

This RFP is not an offer to contract. Acceptance of a proposal neither commits our company to award a contract to any vendor, even if all requirements stated in this RFP are met, nor limits our right to negotiate in our best interest. We reserve the right to contract with a vendor for reasons other than lowest price.

Failure to answer any question in this RFP may subject the proposal to disqualification. Failure to meet a qualification or requirement will not necessarily subject a proposal to disqualification.

A.3.1 Valid Period of Offer

The pricing, terms, and conditions stated in your response must remain valid for 90 days from the date of delivery of the proposal to our company.

A.3.2 Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure

The information contained in this RFP (or accumulated through other written or verbal communication) is confidential. It is for proposal purposes only and is not to be disclosed or used for any other purpose.

Information received in response to this RFP will be held in strict confidence and not disclosed to any party, other than our company, without the express written consent of said vendor. We will sign a non-disclosure agreement, if requested by vendors.

A.3.3 Right of Rejection

We reserve the right to accept or reject any or all responses to this RFP and to enter into discussions and/or negotiations with one or more qualified vendors at the same time, if such action is in the best interest of our company.

A.3.4 Best and Final Offer

We reserve the right to request a best and final offer.

A.3.5 Cost of Proposals

Expenses incurred in the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP are the vendor’s sole responsibility.

A.4 Proposal instructions and time frames

This section contains instructions governing the proposal to be submitted.

A.4.1 Proposal Delivery

Deliver the final presentation and two copies of your proposal to the class instructor no later than week seven of this semester. Be sure to include:

[your company name]

[team members]

[team titles]

A.4.2 Intention to Bid

Vendors must notify us of their intention to bid or not to bid (not an option)! Notification can be made in class. Please provide the name, address, telephone, and fax numbers for the vendor contact who should receive answers to questions and RFP revisions and updates. Any vendor who elects not to bid is requested to destroy this RFP.

A.4.3 Bidders’ Conference

A Bidders’ Conference will be held on during class times week 3, 4, 5, and 6. Any questions should be addressed during these times. Attendance is mandatory and will be limited to five representatives from each vendor’s company (n/a). Please confirm your attendance.

A.4.4 RFP Questions

Questions regarding this RFP are encouraged and should be submitted in writing to:

[Joe Turnbough]


[Eagle Ridge Avialtion ]

[172 Centennial Airport Hangar 1B]

[Centennial, CO 80112]

Phone: [303-555-3445]

Fax: [303-555-6778]

Questions received by each class period will be answered in detail at the Bidders’ Conference. Questions received will be answered in class. No further questions will be accepted after week 6.

A.4.5 Oral Presentation

As part of the evaluation process, we will require an oral presentation by the vendor and all team members.

A.4.6 Schedule of Events



[Week 3]

RFP distribution

[Week 6]

Deadline for questions to be answered at Bidders’ Conference

[Week 4 - 6]

Bidders’ Conference

[Week 6]

All questions due

[Week 6]

Responses to questions due to vendors

[Week 7]

Proposals due

[Week 7]

Oral presentations

Vendor option

Implementation begins

Vendor option

Implementation complete

A.5 Proposal Preparation

This section provides specific instructions on preparing your proposal.

A.5.1 General Preparation

• Bind each copy of your proposal in 3-ring binders.

• Number pages consecutively within a section using section and page numbering (e.g., Page 3-30).

• Follow the proposal outline in Section A.5.2. For each response, identify the RFP item to which you are responding.

• Provide one copy to our company. (class instructor)

A.5.2 Required Proposal Outline

The following chart details the required proposal outline and specifies the content of the proposal sections.

Required Proposal Outline

Section Number

Section Title

Section Content


Executive Summary

Information requested in Section 1 of RFP; limit to one page.


Vendor’s Corporate Profile

Responses to Section 2 of RFP


Computer Overview

Responses to Section 3 of RFP


Network Overview (LAN)

Responses to Section 4 of RFP


Telecomm Overview (WAN)

Responses to Section 5 of RFP


Applications Overview



Support/Training & Ongoing Maintenance



Pricing Information



As appropriate

Note: Sections A and B of this RFP do not require responses.

A.6 Evaluation criteria

Factors used to evaluate proposals and their weighting are listed below in descending order of importance:

Cost-effectiveness of network design and solution

[17] %

Comprehensive implementation designed to minimize disruption of business activities

[3] %

Capability of vendor’s network to meet present requirements

[15] %

Capability of vendor’s network to meet future requirements

[25] %

Ongoing network optimization

[5] %

Experience and capabilities of account support organizations

[15] %

Demonstrated corporate commitment to quality

[10] %

Invoicing flexibility

[10] %


B. company Demographics

B.2 Corporate demographics

Our immediate main concern is to implement a computer based information system in our headquarters building. This will be phase one of the project and must be completed within six weeks. There are three main departments that need to be connected during phase one. These departments are the accounting (2 people), sales/marketing (2 people), customer service (1).

Example of what student notes might be:
Does each computer need a printer?
How to size the file server(s)?
Built in redundancy?
Would wireless networking be a benefit?
Is VPN a viable option between offices?


Briefly describe the key elements of your proposal. Highlight any major features, functions, or areas of support that differentiate your service offering from your competitors’ offerings.

2. VENDOR’s Corporate Profile

The following specific items are of interest to us concerning your company.

2.1 VENDOR’s Company Background

Provide a brief overview and history of your company. Describe the organization of your company and include an organizational chart.

2.2 Financial Information

Provide financial information on your company (e.g., annual report, 10-K).

2.3 Reference Accounts

List three accounts with networks similar in size or complexity to our company and include:

• Company name and address

• Network products or services and length of service

3. Hardware

To increase productivity we are relying on your company to provide the best economical solution for our information system. This includes computers, printers, and network equipment such as file servers or cloud computing, network operating system, wiring, etc. This section is intended to describe our computer needs to better help you with the computer design, installation and support. We need fairly fast computers to process our vast amounts of information. We would like to have one or two strategically placed color laser printers for each department shared by the respected department. Also, Windows 10 Professional is our O/S of choice and Office Pro Plus 2016 is our integrated productivity suite program of choice.

3.1 Computers

We would like to invest in current computer technology such as Intel’s 6th generation of i3, i5 or i7 Processors around 3 Ghz or higher. In addition, we would like the following options:

3.1.1 Peripherals

We would like to have each computer equipped with a DVD burner (can be external) and multimedia capabilities. Also a large Hard Drive with at least 1TB of storage capacity. We want to have at least 8 GB of main memory

3.1.2 Laptops

We want at least one laptop computer for each person with docking stations and at dual monitors. These laptop computers should be state of the art and have the newest offerings.

3.1.3 File Server(s)

Descibe the recommended file server(s) and applications it will fulfill and
or cloud computing platform such as SaaS, IaaS

3.1.4 Printers

We need high end network laser printers to keep up with our work load.


This section is used to provide further information about what we are looking for in a computer network.


We would like to have a LAN installed. This LAN will have all of the departments attached as well as the management staff. We are interested in starting out with a client/server type of technology. We would like to have some of the following features:

  • Category 5 cable or better.

  • Star topology with all cable ran into a centralize wiring closet(s).

  • Ethernet topology.

  • Hubs/switches with free ports for expansion.

  • Uninteruptible power supplies

  • Internet access with Security

4.1 Network Architecture

Describe your proposed network and equipment during the scheduled presentation.


Briefly discuss the Internet and how we might connect. Also about a WEB page, and how this might benefit us? And security and how you propose we safely connect to the Internet. What about Intranet/Extranet?

5. Telecomm architecture

In your response for this section, you may propose various types of data circuits such as ISDN, xDSL, T1, or Frame Relay technologies to name a few. Keep in mind we want to host our own web server, have our own internal email server (postoffice) explore EDI solutions, and have adequate Internet browsing speed.

5.0 WAN Questions

What is the best solutions for our company to link our various offices?

5.1 Performance Requirements Speed of Transmission

What are the various services and speeds that we can use for our WAN? What is the “ball-park” price

What is the general price to interconnect our offices (both hardware and general circuit charges) Firewalls, VPN

Describe how the WAN will facilitate better communications within our company. WAN Architecture

Diagram the architecture of the proposed WAN? Compatibility

Does your proposed system support interoperability standards?

6. Applications (software)

In your response for this section, you may propose various types of applications your frim recommends. These applications should include both the client (desktop/laptop) applications and server (file server) applications such as accounting, e-mail, etc.

6.0 Describe the various applications recommended 6.1 Server Network Operating Systems (NOS) or Cloud 6.2 Accounting Applicaiton

What kink of accounting application do you recommend? Is it a client/server based system?

6.3 E-mail (Collaboration) Software

What is the e-mail system that your firms recommends? Is it a client/server based system and does it provide group collaboration?

6.4 Desktop Operating Systems

Describe the desktop operating systems that will be standardized on.

6.5 Productivity Software

What productivity software will be standardized on?

6.6 Compatibility

Does your proposed system support interoperability standards?

7. Support, training, maintenance

In your response for this section, you may propose various types of support, traning and maintenance your frim recommends. These applications should include both the client (desktop/laptop) applications and server (file server) applications such as accounting, e-mail, etc.

7.0 Descrube the Support, training and maintenance
    1. Vendor support before, during and after the project

Describe your firms ability to provide support throughout the duration of this project.

7.2 Describe traning for our employees

What are the various services and speeds that we can use for our WAN?

7.3 Maintenance of the system

Do we hire our own IT staff or do we outsource this? Is our equipment going to have manufactures extened maintenance?

8. Pricing information

Provide general pricing information for your proposal in a spreadsheet format to include:

Wiring/Wireless cost
Hardware cost
Software cost
Labor cost
Installation, training, maintenance cost.
Misc. cost (as appropriate)

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