Read the case study to inform the assignment. Case Study: Maria Grade: 9th Age: 14 It is the beginning of the second semester, and Maria is having a great deal of difficulty in her algebra class. She has an understanding of the basic concepts of al

GCU College of Education



Teacher Candidate:

Grade Level:



Instructional Plan Title

Jacqueline Ephraim


Mathematics: Fractions

Equivalent Fractions in Addition and Subtraction

I. Planning

Lesson summary and focus:

The students will learn how to convert given fractions with different denominators to equivalent fractions with the same denominators which will facilitate addition and subtraction of those fractions given. The skills required are multiplication and addition or subtraction of whole numbers.

Classroom and student factors:

The students composing the class are Arturo, Beryl, and Bertie. Arturo is a Hispanic student with low economic status. There are no IEP and504 cases. The age is at grade level. However, his reading ability is below grade level. The performance at grade level is good while there is no internet connection at home. Since his reading is below grade level, Arturo may not comprehend word questions, and this may affect his performance during the lesson.

Bertie is female with good reading ability. Her performance in mathematics is at grade level. Though parental involvement is low, she has internet connection at home and this may help with some online practice. Bertie may not get much help at home since parental involvement is low. This may mean that teaching in class should be appropriate and adequate.

Beryl enjoys better social and economic status at home. Moreover,her parental involvement is good. Though her performance in mathematics and age are at grade level, the reading ability is two years above the grade.

National / State Learning Standards:

5.NF.1. Students should be able to add and subtract fractions with different denominators and this will include mixed numbers. The corresponding fractions will be expressed into equivalent fractions. The most appropriate example is: a/b + c/d will yield ad/bd + bc/bd which, finally gives the sum of (ad+bc)/(bd) ( Arizona Department of Education, 2016).

5.NF.2. Students should also apply the knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators to word problems. Students will also approximate correct answers by checking at their operations.

Specific learning target(s) / objectives:

Students should be able to first convert fractions with different denominators into fractions with same denominator and then add or subtract such fractions. Moreover, students should apply the knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators to word problems.

Teaching notes:

This lesson falls within the topic of numbers, particularly, addition and subtraction of fractions.

Agenda: The opening of the lesson will involve introduction for about five minutes and reviewing the concept of converting fractions with different denominators into fractions with the same denominator.

Teaching and learning activities will involve demonstrating conversion of fractions with different denominators into fractions with the same denominator. At the same time, learners will make notes, ask questions, and carry out operations in their books for about thirty minutes.

The post at the end of the lesson will involve further work on fraction addition and subtraction where denominators are different.

Formative assessment:

The learners will take part in class work which will involve steps like converting fractions with different denominators into the same denominator and then adding or subtracting. Moreover learners may be assessed in reading and interpreting word problems. The achievement of such skills will show great progress.

Academic Language:

Key vocabulary:

The key terms include numerator, denominator, equivalent fractions, multiply, and add or subtract.

Numerators and denominators may be shown using a/b where upper a is the numerator while lower b is the denominator.


The language will enhance the use of mathematical terms and clarity in communication while handling mathematical problems. Learners will show their understanding through use of the correct terms while solving mathematical problems in demonstrations.


Language and terms in addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators may be tested through structures like solving mathematical in steps while labeling each step. This will show proper mastery of terminology in the area of fraction addition a subtraction.

Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology:

Students will require a mathematics book while the teacher will need white board, markers of different colors, e-beam, internet among other relevant materials.


This lesson will require mixed ability grouping so that learners whose performance in mathematics and reading is below grade level may benefit from the others.

II. Instruction

A. Opening

Prior knowledge connection:

The prior knowledge required here is addition and subtraction of whole numbers, and multiplication and division. Students may also recall addition and subtraction of fractions with same denominators and equivalent fractions.

Anticipatory set:

Students may relate fractions to real life cases like dividing certain items like an orange among two, three, or more people. The part that each person gets is a fraction of the whole fruit.

B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):

I Do

Students Do


In the I Do part, the following steps will be undertaken:

  1. Conversion of fractions with different denominators into fractions with the same denominator.

a/b + c/d to yield ad/bd + bc/bd.

Area model

Observation and questioning (West Virginia Department of Education, 2016).

Let us see how to add fractions now.

  1. Addition of numerators while retaining the same common denominator.


Linear model


Let us find out if the result needs simplification

  1. Simplifying any result accordingly


Students will make notes on the demonstrations on the I Do section to enhance their mastery of the content and the methodology being employed in adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators.

  1. Students will convert given fractions into equivalent fractions with same denominators

  2. Students will add or subtract the numerators while keeping the same denominator

  3. Students will finally simplify any result and thus, offer the best-simplified answer.

Since students are different, the following are the anticipated scenarios:

  1. Some slow students may take some time in converting fractions to their equivalent forms with the same denominator

  2. Faster students will find the second part of adding or subtracting the numerators rather easy

  3. Still, faster students will complete this part faster having done the first and second part.

  4. Those who complete their work faster will work on extra questions that test the same concept.


Summative Assessment:

Learners will perform short tasks in class to measure their understanding of the key concepts in addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators.


For learners having challenges, they may tackle problems with simple and easy denominators like 1/3 + 5/6. Here, it is easy to convert 1/3 to 2/6.

Fast learners may tackle any problem with varying denominators (IES, 2016).


Students may share knowledge learned in their groups by assisting each other with quick explanations. Questions for closure may include difficulties encountered, and whether they enjoyed the lesson. The concept learned may be tranferred to areas of real life problems like sharing of items, and planning with even pocket money.


The home given will concentrate in addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators. There will also be word problems testing the same concepts. This homework is skill-based practice that will help learners remember and practice skills learned in class.


Arizona Department of Education. (2016). 3-5 Mathematics: Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – Mathematics. Retrieved from

IES. (2016). IES PRACTICE GUIDE MATHEMATICS. Retrieved from,ContentTypeId:3,SortBy:RevisedDate, SetNumber:1.

West Virginia Department of Education. (2016). Formative assessment. Retrieved from


Fraction Review Sheet

Set 1. <P>Add the following fractions with unlike denominators:

<NL><ITEM><P><IM><INST>1. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>2. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>3. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>4. </INST>= ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>5. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>6. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>7. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>8. </INST>= ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>9. </INST> = ________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>10. </INST> = ________

Set 2. Practice adding mixed numbers</IM></P></ITEM>

<NL><ITEM><P><IM><INST>1. </INST> = ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>2. </INST> = ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>3. </INST> = ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>4. </INST> = ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>5. </INST> = ___________

<NL><ITEM><P><IM><INST>1. </INST> = ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>2. </INST>= ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>3. </INST>= ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>4. </INST>= ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

<ITEM><P><IM><INST>5. </INST>= ___________</IM></P></ITEM>

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