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Among the biggest problems facing the modern world is the issue of refugees. A refugee is described as a person who has been forcefully moved from their home due to extreme circumstances such as warfare or hunger. In most cases, warfare is the main issue which leads to the inflow of refugees from one country to another. There are many organizations which are committed to helping refugees all across the world. Two basic examples of organizations that are determined to helping refugees are Mercy Corps and Save The Children. Mercy Corps has multiple purposes as it also strives to help people in regions that have been struck by natural disasters or any other factor that may leave people in a state of shock and need. The very name of the organization is a window into the inner mechanics of the body. The operations of the organization are based on the premise of mercy. Mercy refers to feeling a sense of empathy for people in need and taking actions to help them. Thus, the organization is based on the premise that mercy is a vital concept to human beings and all people in need are deserving of it (Mercy Corps, 2015).

Save The Children is also a very great organization that helps refugees all over the world. Whenever there is a crisis, the people that suffer the most are children. This is because their tender age means that they are inexperienced in fending for themselves and surviving on their own. In most cases, the children may be separated from their parents, and as a result, they may be subjected to untold suffering. Children are also very susceptible to exploitation by unscrupulous parties all over the world. An example of this is the fact that child pornography is on the rise all over the world with claims that child slaves are being used. In some war-torn areas, some people have also been known to recruit children as soldiers into their armies and force them into committing atrocities. Thus, the mandate of the organization is very clear and essential in the modern world. It seeks out children in need all over the world and strives to instill a sense of reprieve into their lives.

For this analysis, the actions of these two organizations concerning the Syrian refugee crisis will be the central area of focus. Mercy Corps has been very vocal in its aid for Syrian refugees. The organization has gone out of its way to ensure that these refugees are provided with food and clean drinking water. The agency has also undertaken the endeavor of building shelters for these refugees. Despite the fact that these shelters are temporary in nature they are of massive benefit to the refugees who would have absolutely no shelter otherwise. The organization has also embarked on ensuring that these refugees have the necessary supplies such as medication with the aim of reducing the mortality rate among the refugees.

Save The Children has also been very active during the Syrian refugee crisis. The organization has embarked on an endeavor to offer education to Syrian children in refugee camps (Parry, 2014). This effort aims to ensure that the academic future of these kids is not compromised and that they develop the necessary job skills despite the crisis they are going through. The organization also provides food and medication for children in these camps. The poor sanitation has led to the development of infections among most of the children in the camps. Thus, this organization is focused exclusively on the children in the camps and ensuring that they have medication, food and a sense of education.


Mercy Corps. (2015). New solutions, new hope: Mercy Corps. Portland, Oregon: Author.

Parry, A. (2014). Save the Children. Philadelphia [Pa.: Chelsea House.