Model Lesson Plan

Runni ng head: SIOP MODEL LESSON PLAN 1 EDU 321: Introduction to Serving English Language Learners SIOP Model Lesson Plan SIOP MODEL LESSON PLAN 2 SIOP LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Name of Le sson/Subje ct/Grade : Date : Topic: Common Core State Standards (or state standards): Conte nt Obje ctive (s): Language Obje ctive s : Ke y Vocabulary: Mate rials: Esse ntial Que stion: Ba se d on the le sson pla n you se le cte d, you w ill the n de te rmine w ha t Common Core Sta te Sta nda rd(s) tha t w ould a lign w ith the le sson. Re me mbe r, CCCS a re only for ma th a nd English la ngua ge a rts, so if you the scie nce or socia l studie s le sson, you w ill ha ve to go to your sta te ’s de pa rtme nt of e duca tion w e bsite a nd loca te the sta te sta nda rds fo r the se tw o subje cts. He re is a link to find the CCSS in ma th a nd re a ding: http://w w w .core sta nda a d -the -sta nda rds/ **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S ASSIGNM ENT ** He re you w ill list the conte nt obje ctive s (1 -2) for your se le cte d le sson. Some le ssons ma y ha ve the m, but the e x pe cta tion is tha t you w ill formula te the m so the y a re me a sure a ble . Be gin a ll conte nt obje ctive s w ith: The students will be able to… Se e Se ction 8.2 of your te x t a nd he re is a n a dditiona l re source to support the de ve lopme nt of conte nt obje ctive s: http://www.educationoas is .com/curriculum/LP/LP_res ources /les s on_objectives .htm **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S The la nguage objectives a re base d on the English La nguage De ve lopment sta ndards tha t address the four language domains: reading, writing, listening, and speak ing. It is re quired that you provide at least one language objective covering one of the four l anguage domains. Be gin all language objectives w ith: The stude nts w ill be a ble to…. Se e Section 8.2 of your te xt a nd the following w ebsite might be helpful for you w he n developing your la nguage objectives: **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S ASSIGNM ENT** List a ll ke y voca bula ry ne ce ssa ry for your ELL stude nts to ha ve succe ss w ith this le sson. Re me mbe r, a ca de mic voca bula ry is e sse ntia l for our ELLs in he lping the m to a cquire both conte nt a nd la ngua ge de ve lopme nt. **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S ASSIGNM ENT** Think a bout a ll the ma te ria ls you w ould ne e d for this le sson pla n, including those you might use w he n diffe re ntia ting your instruction so tha t your ELL stude nts w ill ha ve e qua l a cce ss to the conte nt. W rite this in a list forma t. **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S ASSIGNM ENT** From your EDU 382 course , you should ha ve le a rne d a bout forming e sse ntia l que stions. Re me mbe r, the se a re not que stions tha t ha ve de finitive a nsw e rs, ra the r e nga ge stude nts in critica l thought, de e pe n the ir unde rsta nding. He re is a n e x a mple : Non -Esse ntial: W hat are the parts of a plant? Essential: W hy should we save the rainforests? He re is a n a dditiona l link to support your unde rsta nding: http://w w w .a tions/books/10900 4/cha pte r s/W ha t -Ma ke s -a-Que stion -Esse ntia l%A2.a spx **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S ASSIGNM ENT** SIOP MODEL LESSON PLAN 3 Highe r Orde r Que stions: Te ache r Activitie s Building Background Compre he nsible Input Strate gie s __Modeling __ Guided Practice __ Independent Practice (Check all that apply and describe) Inte raction __ Whole class __ Small group __Partners __Independent (Check all that apply and describe) Practice /Application __Hands -on __Meaningful __Linked to objectives __Promotes engagement Inte gration of Proce sse s __Listening __Speaking __Readi ng __Writing ( Check all that apply and describe) Le sson Se que nce : W rite a t le a st tw o que stions tha t you w ould a sk your stude nts throughout your le sson pla n tha t w ould e nga ge the m in highe r or de r thinking que stions. Using the ve rb list from Bloom’s Ta x onomy, focus on a sking que stions tha t a ddre ss a na lysis, synthe sis, a nd e va lua tion. http://w w w .cte .corne ll.e du/docume nts/Asse ssme nt %2 0 -%20 Bloom s%2 0Ta x onomy %2 0 Action %20Ve rb s.pdf For example: Describe the difference among vascular and non -vascular plants and the purpose of these differences that allows them to survive in their environment. **NOTE: PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK ON WEEK 4’S ASSIGNM ENT** Using your instructor’s fe e dba ck on W e e k 4’s SIOP Mode l Pla nning She e t, de scribe how you pla n to link pa st e x pe rie nce s of stude nts a nd the ir prior know le dge to your le sson pla n. Conside r que stions you ma y a sk or instructiona l stra te gie s, such a s a KW L cha rt to a ctiva te prior know le dge . Using your instructor’s fe e dba ck on W e e k 4’s SIOP Mode l Pla nning She e t, de scribe the tw o or more stra te gie s you w ill use in y our le sson pla n to ma ke the conte nt compre he nsible for your ELi stude nts in this le sson pla n. Using your instructor’s fe e dba ck on W e e k 4’s SIOP Mode l Pla nning She e t, de scribe a t le a st two stra te gie s tha t you pla n to use in your le sson to support your ELL stude nt tow a rds a ca de mic succe ss . Re me mbe r, the stra te gie s should provide mode ling, guide d pra ctice , a nd/or inde pe nde nt pra ctice . Be sure to spe cifica lly de scribe how the se stra te gie s a re use d in the le sson pla n. For e x a mple , you ma y use gra phic orga nize rs, a gra ffiti w rite , or e ve n note -ta king to na me a fe w . Using your instructor’s fe e dba ck on W e e k 4’s SIOP Mode l Pla nning She e t, de scribe how stude nts w ill be inte ra cting in this le s son pla n. This ca n include the inte ra ctions be tw e e n stude nt a nd te a che r a nd stude nt a nd stude nt. It is ve ry importa nt tha t ELLs ha ve the opportunity to pra ctice the ir ora l proficie ncy through the discussion s of the ir ide a s a nd thoughts. Also, think a bout how you pla n to group your stude nts; w ill it be done he te roge ne ously or homoge nously a nd w hy. Be sure to se le ct e a ch type of inte ra ction tha t w ill be pa rt of this le sson pla n a nd be spe cific in your e x pla na tion. Using your instructor’s fe e dba ck on W e e k 4’s SIOP Mode l Pla nning She e t, de scribe how w ill stude nts ha ve multiple opportunitie s to pra ctice the ir ne w found know le dge . How w ill you include opportunitie s in this le sson tha t a re me a ningful a nd provide ha nds -on e x pe rie nce s? How might stude nts ha ve a n opportunity to a pply w ha t the y ha ve le a rne d w hile a lso inte gra ting liste ning, spe a kin g, re a ding, a nd w riting? Be sure tha t th e pra ctice /a pplica tion is a ligne d w ith your conte nt a nd le a rning obje ctive s. Conside r how you ca n incorpora te a ga me to ma ke it me a ningful or pe rha ps ha ve some type of othe r e nga ging a ctivity . He re you w ill de scribe the se que nce or proce dure of your le sson pla n. Ima gine tha t your instructor w a s a substitute for your cla ss; your le sson se que nce should be de ta ile d e nough tha t your instructor could imple me nt this re vise d le sson pla n. Fe e l fre e to w rite this se que nce in a bulle te d or numbe re d form a t. SIOP MODEL LESSON PLAN 4 Re vie w and Asse ssme nt ( Check all that apply and describe) __Individual __Group __Oral __Written Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment: Case Study Stude nt Additional Instructional Accommodations or Modifications for Case Study Stude nt SIOP Mode l Re fle ction Adapted from Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners , 2nd/ 3rd editions Using your instructor’s fe e dba ck on W e e k 4’s SIOP Mode l Pla nning She e t, de scribe the forma tive a sse ssme nt tha t w ill be use d i n this le sson pla n. Re me mbe r, forma tive is ongoing, w hich me a ns tha t you ma y not ne ce ssa rily use it for a gra de , ra the r it is a w a y to guide your ow n instruction. Ex a mple s of forma tive a sse ssme nt s include obse rva tions, discussion s, e x it ticke ts, a nd thumbs up/ thumbs dow n. W hile you ma y not use a summa tive a sse ssme nt in this pa rticula r le sson pla n, it should a lw a ys be a thought on how you pla n to a sse ss your stude nts to de te rmine conte nt ma ste ry. Re me mbe r, it is e sse ntia lly a summa tion of w ha t know le dge the stude nt ha s re ta ine d a s you comple te your unit on a pa rticula r topic. This ca n include pe rforma nce ba se d a sse ssme nts such a s pre se nta tions, w ritte n e ssa y/re port, de ba te s, e tc. It could a lso include more tra ditiona l me thods of a sse ssme nts tha t include a multiple c hoice te st. Do re me mbe r, you w a nt to e nsure tha t the a sse ssme nt is a ppropria te for your ELL stude nts to show w ha t the y ha ve le a rne d w he re cha lle nge s w ith la ngua ge proficie ncy a re minimize d. Copy a nd pa ste the ca se study stude nt you se le cte d w he re you pla n to ma ke spe cific a ccommoda tions or modifica tions to me e t the ir individua l ne e ds. Ba se d on your se le cte d ca se study stude nt, he re yo u w ill de scribe a t le a st tw o a dditiona l instructiona l a ccommoda tions or modifica tions to support your spe cific ELL. Conside r w ha t a dditiona l supports or cha nge s you might ma ke to this le sson to ma ke it more a cce ssible to your pa rticula r ELL stude nt . It is import a nt in this se ction tha t you use e vide nce from the te x t to support your re a sons for the a ccommoda tions or modifica tions you re comme nd for your ca se study stude nt. He re a re some a dditiona l modifica tions a nd /or a ccommoda tions you might w a nt to conside r  Na tive La ngua ge Supports  Gra phic Orga nize rs , Note -Ta king  Visua ls  Use of te chnolog y  Using books tha t a re on stude nt re a ding le ve l  Ma y include re a ding a nd or w riting stra te gie s mo re a pplica ble to the ir sta ge of de ve lopme nt Using a minimum of 250 w ords, re fle ct on the follow ing que stion : Do you think the SIOP mode l is re a listic for te a che rs to follow ? W hy or w hy not? Be spe cific by providing a t le a st tw o re a sons for your opinion. Be sure to provide e vide nce from the te x t a nd/or schola rly source to va lida te your re a soning. SIOP MODEL LESSON PLAN 5 Reference(s) You must re fe re nce your te x t tha t should ha ve be e n cite d in your re fle ction. If you ha ve a dditiona l source s use d, be sure to list the m he re a s w e ll using APA forma tting. He re is a link to Ashford W riting Ce nte r support: https://a w c.a shford.e du/cd -a pa -re fe re nce - mode ls.html