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Difference in Asian RTA’s

1 “They Tend to be less formalized & Institutionalized” (Lynch 2010).

2 “They tend to follow economic integration more than lead it” (Lynch 2010).

3 “Monetary cooperation is some cases is more prevalent than trade cooperation” (Lynch 2010).

4 “The region’s largest traders are divided over their vision for the RTA’s in the region” (Lynch 2010).

Asian RTA disputes

                The Thai Cambodia dispute – The dispute is over land and people have died due to it. “not only are bilateral relations deteriorating but ASEAN’s unity is threatened. The conflict may drift ASEAN apart, at least in terms of political unity” (Eastasiaforum).

                The south China sea disputes - "China has pushed Asean to not support the ruling, saying the Philippine case runs counter to long-stalled China-Asean efforts" (5 Things, WSJ).  ASEAN has been dealing with issues in their meetings and in making progress as the U.S.'s presence goes bothered by China. China wants to control the South China Sea and however in such discussions countries like Malaysia do not contend our presence which "reflects the divide China’s reclamation and militarization in the South China Sea has caused in the region"(ASIA, WSJ).

Different beliefs of 2 Christian denominations and 1 belief they differ on

Lutherans believe that baptism is required for salvation whereas Presbyterians believe that baptism is not necessary for salvation. Jehovah’s Witness believes that God the Father and the Son combine into The Holy Trinity whereas Baptist believe God is three in one.



Lynch, David. Trade and Globalization. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2010.



By reading the book, the author Lynch said, “Asian RTAs have four distinctive aspects, First, Asian RTAs tend to be less formalized and less institutionalized. Second, Asian RTAs follow economic integration more than lead it. Third, monetary cooperation more obvious than trade cooperation. Fourth, the largest traders are divided over their vision.” (Lynch, 2010, p129) On my research there are two main points, the first one is Asian RTAs tend to be less formalized. According to the article, the author Yu said, “Some American strategists allege that, China makes no effort to hide its preference for low-quality, politically motivated bilateral and regional arrangements over more economically meaningful (and demanding) multi-lateral liberalization through the WTO or even high-quality agreements with individual trading partners. ” (Yu, 2011) While, the truth is in the case of China’s RTAs, the direct impact China and other RTA partners. They are not only harvesting tremendous economic but also increasing political gains. Under most of China’s RTAs, tariffs on goods will be lowered to zero in a few years, with immediate and substantial tariff reduction upon the effectiveness of the agreements. On the other hand, The Asian choose their suitable RTAs.

Second, Lynch said, “The Chiang Mai Initiative is a loose grouping of a set of bilateral monetary cooperation treaties between ASEAN+3 members and is at the same time a process of moving toward more institutionalized monetary cooperation.” From this citation, we can see that the CMI is not formalized, but working towards it, and is focused primarily on monetary cooperation. The author Henning said, “ could contribute to the global financial architecture by supplementing the resources of the IMF and streamlining negotiations over financial rescues.” (Henning,2009) In fact, The ultimate goal is to establish the Asian version of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is means to establish the Asian Monetary Fund.

 On my research, I will compare the Catholic and Baptist. Although, two religions share a very common belief both believe that God is the ultimate source of salvation, the difference are in more specific aspects. The author Robert Allen said, “Baptists believe that individuals must ask Jesus to forgive their sins and then trust Jesus will do just that in order to be saved.” (Allen, 2014) While, Catholics believe faith not only include the trust, but also is a knowledgeable assent to the basic doctrines of the Catholic faith. On the other hand, Catholic Christians think salvation is a process. However, Baptists believe salvation occurs in a moment and that once this takes place, the believer is saved for all eternity. (Allen, 2014).




Lynch, D. A. (2010). Trade and globalization: An introduction to regional trade agreements. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield y 6, 2017.

Yu, W. (2011). “China and East Asian Regionalism.” European Law Journal, 17(5). 611-629. Retrieved from:   http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/doi/10.1111/j.1468-0386.2011.00569.x/epdf

Allen, R. (2014). The Difference in Salvation Between Catholics & Baptists. Retrieved February 09, 2017, from http://classroom.synonym.com/difference-salvation-between-catholics-baptists-7796.html

Prasai, Sagar. (2016, April 03). Real-World Problems of South Asian Integration. Retrieved February 09, 2017, from http://asiafoundation.org/2014/02/26/real-world-problems-of-south-asian-integration/

Henning, R. (2009). The Future of the Chiang Mai Initiative: An Asian Monetary Fund? Retrieved February 09, 2017, from https://ideas.repec.org/p/iie/pbrief/pb09-5.html