4 Chapters of Review Questions plus 1-2 page report on Environment Canada

BRAZOSPORT COLLEGE: Physical Sciences and Process Technologies Division

Safety, Health and Environmental Management Program

500 College Drive, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566

EPCT 1311 Quiz One Posted February 7th Due February 14th 2017


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 5





Arana, Denise

Page 4 Review 1

Page 24 Review 1

Page 42 Review 1

Page 86 Review 1

Bocarando, Jose

Page 4 Review 2

Page 24 Review 2

Page 42 Review 2

Page 86 Review 2

Diaz, Sophia

Page 8 Review 1

Page 24 Review 3

Page 46 Review 1

Page 86 Review 3

Esquivel, Fabian

Page 8 Review 2

Page 28 Review 1

Page 46 Review 2

Page 94 Review 1

Flannel, Marvin

Page 8 Review 3

Page 28 Review 2

Page 46 Review 3

Page 94 Review 2

Garcia, Chivonne

Page 8 Review 4

Page 33 Review 1

Page 46 Review 4

Page 94 Review 3

Garza, Christian

Page 10 Review 1

Page 33 Review 2

Page 46 Review 5

Page 94 Review 4

Gomez, Felipe

Page 10 Review 2

Page 33 Review 3

Page 52 Review 1

Page 94 Review 5

Hafner, Elias

Page 10 Review 3

Page 35 Review 1

Page 52 Review 2

Page 101 Review 1

Hall, Margie

Page 10 Review 4

Page 37 Review 1

Page 52 Review 3

Page 101 Review 2

Horton, Camerson

Page 14 Review 1

Page 37 Review 2

Page 52 Review 4

Page 101 Review 3

Penney, Anita

Page 14 Review 2

Page 38 Q 1

Page 54 Q 1

Page 101 Review 4

Trevino, Dandee

Page 17 Review 1

Page 38 Q 2

Page 54 Q 2

Page 101 Review 5

Valcez, Jose

Page 17 Review 2

Page 38 Q 3

Page 54 Q 3

Page 103 Review 1

Wadsworth, Timothy

Page 18 Q 1

Page 38 Q 4

Page 54 Q 4

Page 103 Review 2

Wilkerson, Don

Page 18 Q 2

Page 38 Q 5

Page 54 Q 5

Page 105 Review 1

Wright, Amber

Page 18 Q 3

Page 38 Q 6

Page 54 Q 6

Page 105 Review 2

Wright, Justin

Page 18 Q 4

Page 38 Q 7

Page 54 Q 7

Page 108 Q 1

Use this document put in dropbox by due date with your last name as first word of file title

Do NOT Remove Headers and Footers; Put Your Name in Header

Instructions: On the following pages


(2) Answer the question without copying word for word from the book, this means discuss like in a rational conversation. Do NOT expect full credit for one word or phrase answers.

(3) In ADDITION FOR EACH QUESTION – what does this topic teach you or how have you seen something about this topic in the real world.

20 points each

1 point off per page if your name is not on each page

DUE AT START OF CLASS in DROPBOX, late if received after class

Penalty 10 points per day late or portion thereof – submit via dropbox for this quiz.



MAIN ANSWER: Answer the question without copying word for word from the book, this means discuss like in a rational conversation. Do NOT expect full credit for one word or phrase answers. Cover the Who, What, Where, When, Why How as much as possible.

YOUR OBSERVATION(s): In ADDITION FOR EACH QUESTION – what does this topic teach you or how have you seen something about this topic in the real world that pertains to home and work. Do NOT Split the answer just to fill space, you must add value to this.



MAIN ANSWER: Answer the question without copying word for word from the book, this means discuss like in a rational conversation. Do NOT expect full credit for one word or phrase answers. Cover the Who, What, Where, When, Why How as much as possible.

YOUR OBSERVATION(s): In ADDITION FOR EACH QUESTION – what does this topic teach you or how have you seen something about this topic in the real world that pertains to home and work. Do NOT Split the answer just to fill space, you must add value to this.



MAIN ANSWER: Answer the question without copying word for word from the book, this means discuss like in a rational conversation. Do NOT expect full credit for one word or phrase answers. Cover the Who, What, Where, When, Why How as much as possible.

YOUR OBSERVATION(s): In ADDITION FOR EACH QUESTION – what does this topic teach you or how have you seen something about this topic in the real world that pertains to home and work. Do NOT Split the answer just to fill space, you must add value to this.



MAIN ANSWER: Answer the question without copying word for word from the book, this means discuss like in a rational conversation. Do NOT expect full credit for one word or phrase answers. Cover the Who, What, Where, When, Why How as much as possible.

YOUR OBSERVATION(s): In ADDITION FOR EACH QUESTION – what does this topic teach you or how have you seen something about this topic in the real world that pertains to home and work. Do NOT Split the answer just to fill space, you must add value to this.

Environmental Organization Discussion: Review the Organization’s website Answer the following [if not available find a comparable organization to the one listed from the unassigned] in a 1-2 page typed report [20 points] 1.5 lines spacing

What kind of organization is this, membership, purpose, activities (political or not, lobbying, actual improvements, work, education)

  • What budget or money is involved annually – is this a scam or serious

  • Would you join if you could

Arana, Denise

Environment Canada

Bocarando, Jose

Friends of the Earth

Diaz, Sophia


Esquivel, Fabian

The Nature Conservancy

Flannel, Marvin

Worldwatch Institute

Garcia, Chivonne

Environmental Foundation for Africa

Garza, Christian

Amazon Watch

Gomez, Felipe

Rainforest Foundation Fund

Hafner, Elias

The Nature Conservancy

Hall, Margie

American Bird Conservancy

Horton, Camerson

American Farmland Trust

Penney, Anita

Environmental Defense Fund

Trevino, Dandee

National Audubon Society

Valcez, Jose

National Geographic Society

Wadsworth, Timothy

National Wildlife Federation

Wilkerson, Don

Natural Resources Defense Council

Wright, Amber

Negative Population Growth

Wright, Justin

Rainforest Action Network

Texas Campaign for the Environment

Allegheny Land Trust

MIT Joint Program on the Science/Policy Global Change


Craig E. Litton, Dr.P.H., Associate Professor, 979-230-3507