ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY for Religion research paper


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Annotated Bibliography

Dougherty, Kevin D., and Andrew L. Whitehead. “A Place To Belong: Small Group

Involvement In Religious Congregations.” Sociology Of Religion 72.1 (2011): 91-111. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.

Dougherty and Whitehead argued the difference between large and small congregations. Dougherty and Whitehead analyzed large and small congregations from the 2001 U.S Congregational Life Survey. The evidence from the survey showed by the numbers that large congregations had little involvement in the church compare to a small congregation. Also, the evidence showed participation in the church also depended on the individual self. Dougherty and Whitehead's evidence made me understand commitment is the key point when it comes to the church. However, this article advises professionals of the field congregation size and involvement of the church depends on the individual's commitment. Dougherty and Whitehead concluded small congregations have more involvement since everyone may know who is who, so to them their congregation is a family which is the reason involvement in the church is high.

Gall, Robert S. “Different Religions, Diverse Gods.” International Journal For Philosophy of

Religion 49.1 (2001):33-47. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Sept. 2016

In this paper, Gall presents religion diversity based on realism and non-realism evidence. Gall illustrates the concept of diversity through in-depth discussions based on information of knowledge and tradition. The idea submitted by Gall gave me the understanding how diversity in religion may affect human beings, based on the evidence of realism and non-realism. Gall's paper neglects to mention actual practices of religion to support how religion differences may affect others and their personal beliefs. The research presented in this article may advise professionals in this field that religion diversity may be base on personal views. Gall concluded religion differences might be a conflict in our world that may not be resolve.

Hardier, Jessica Halliday, Lisa D. Pearce, and Melinda Lundquist Denton. “The Dynamics and

Correlates of Religious Service Attendance in Adolescence.” Youth Society 48.2 (2016): 151-175. Sage Journals. Web 24 Sep. 2016.

In this paper, Hardier, Pearce, and Denton write, religious service attendance decreases as a child enters their adolescent years. Hardier, Pearce, and Denton conducted a study from the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR) to illustrate religious service attendance through a survey. The results from the study showed youths religious service attendance increases since a healthy environment may surround the child. But, when the child reaches their adolescent years the study showed religious service attendance declines, the reason may be because their personal beliefs changed or since the adolescent is not a child they cannot find the time to attend service. The small percent of teens who attend service the study showed they may have been raised by parents who always presented their values as a top priority, but the individuals who don't attend service their background showed their parents might go to church twice a year. This article presents religious service attendance depends on the environment the child/teen may be raised in. I understood in this article the reasons service attendance declines through the years. However, Hardier, Pearce, and Denton failed to show a personal example to evaluate the decrease from youth to adolescent years. Hardier, Pearce, and Denton concluded religious service attendance might be based on the family structure in their household.

Krause, Neal, and Keith M. Wolff. “RESEARCH: Church-Based Social Ties, A Sense of

Belonging in A Congregation, And Physical Health Status. International Journal for The Psychology of Religion 15.1 (2005):73-93. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.

In this paper, Krause and Wolff write church congregation support is important to individuals who may need it. Krause and Wolff illustrate through research that people who may be suffering or feel alone need the support of the peers such as their church congregation. Krause and Wolff’s article gave me an insight of how support from church congregation affects individuals compare with no support. Krause and Wolff weakness in this paper is not giving a specific example of people who did receive support from their congregation and the outcome of it. Krause and Wolff concluded support is essential from your peers because people want to feel they belong to something.

Lauer, Christopher. “Sovereign Gratitude: Hegel On Religion and The Gift.” Research In

Phenomenology 41.3 (2011):374-395. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 24 Sept.


In this paper, Lauer argued everyone should cherish God and his creation. Lauer illustrates the different gifts God has given us are the evidence we should love God dearly. Lauer's paper gave me an insight on how appreciating God’s gifts are important in our lives. Lauer also showed when it comes to God’s gifts everyone may have different perspectives. Lauer neglect to show actual evidence of other individuals rather than just focusing on Hegel evidence. Lauer concluded embracing religion and its values is crucial to many.

Peck, Tony. “The Word of God in The Life of the Church: A Traveler’s Guide—Background,

Broader Perspectives and Challenges.” Journal of European Baptist Studies 15.3 (2015): 32-50. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24. Sept. 2016.

In this paper, Peck presents Baptist and their beliefs while involving evidence from Roman Catholic. Peck illustrates Baptist and Roman Catholics may be very similar from each other such as believing in the Son of God, but they do have their differences. Baptist base their beliefs on baptism while Roman Catholic base theirs on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This evidence presented in this article have me understand more about Baptist contrast with Roman Catholic. Peck neglect to give concrete evidence. However, Peck concluded Baptist and Roman Catholic have their differences when it comes to their values and beliefs.

Salazar, Carless. “Understanding Belief: Some Qualitative Evidence.” Journal of Empirical

Theology 27.2 (2014): 199-213. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 24. Sept. 2016.

In this paper, Salazar present the study of religion beliefs through qualitative evidence. The evidence illustrates belief is important to understand, especially the meaning of it. The article showed everyone might have different perspectives when it comes to belief. Salazar article helped me understand more about religious beliefs through its qualitative evidence. The weakness of this paper could maybe include evidence with actual religious practice evidence to grasp the idea with more details. Salazar concluded religious beliefs would be analyzed differently depending on the individuals and the culture.

Scheele, Christopher P., and Nicole Cornell. “Hearing Clergy Speaking About Social And

Political Issues: Examining The Effects of Religious Tradition and Personal Interest.” Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 96.1 (2015):148-160. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24. Sept. 2016.

Scheele and Cornell write, social and political issues affect religious congregations especially when it’s against their beliefs. For instance, Scheele and Cornell study Roman Catholic and abortion, the evidence shown in this article illustrates Catholic are pro-life, meaning they are against abortion. Scheele and Cornell's evidence illustrate social and political issues are serious in the church, and Congress should have no say when it comes to religious beliefs. Scheele and Cornell mentioned social and political issues affecting Catholic and neglect to mention other religious congregations. This article advises professionals of the field social and political issues will always affect individuals beliefs based on the evidence given in this paper. Scheitle and Cornell concluded social and political issues will always be a conflict to the religious congregations.

Sonnenberg, Ronelle, and Marcel Barnard. “Youth Worship As Recreation.” International

Journal Of Practical Theology 19.1 (2015): 138-163. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.

In this paper, Sonnenberg and Barnard argue about recreation in youth worship. Sonnenberg and Barnard illustrate the recreations of worship has changed through broad evidence occurring in the church. The research presented in this article gave me an insight how religion has changed through its prayer and singing. Sonnenberg and Barnard neglect to show how recreation in youth worship affect the individuals who do not agree to the recreation. The article advises professionals of the field that worship is a key point in the church through the evidence presented. Sonnenberg and Barnard concluded in the church worship may change as more years to come.

Wen, Ming. “Parental Participation In Religious Services And Parent And Child Well-Being:

Findings From The National Survey of America’s Families.” Journal Of Religion & Health 53.5 (2014): 1539-1561. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Sept. 2016

In this paper, Wen presents the study parents are the individuals who set up the positive attitude when it comes to attending religious service. In this article, Wen conducted a study with the National Survey of America’s Families from 1999 and 2002. The study illustrates in America parents are the role model for their child when it comes to attending religious service or to have good morals. The evidence given in the article may me understand parents do affect us as a child because they try to present us with real moral to live by as we go grow up. This article advises professionals in this field that parents are the influencers when it comes to religious services. Wen concluded in America parents are the role model to their child especially when it comes to religious services.