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ETE 573 Mod 1 Reading Questions. Mock MHJ Draft Grant Proposal

Name: Bushra Alqahtani

Questions you need to answer for this reading.

  1. What does the grant proposal plan to accomplish?

This grant proposal plan to accomplish a community garden project for the students and families at XYZ School.

  1. Does this proposal address MHJ’s focus on “deep learning” or “excellent teaching”?

This proposal is focusing on deep learning.

  1. What are the objectives of this proposal?

  • Enable students to take the same approach in solving problems and issues facing their own neighborhood.

  • Create a sense of civic duty for each student who participates.

  • Every student will gain a better appreciation for their school and community after spending the time and effort in making the project successful.

  1. What is the plan of action?

Students will be tasked with many responsibilities throughout the duration of this project. Some of these responsibilities will include, setting schedules, updating the group on weather reports, working the land, and managing the equipment. This project will also require every student to perform extensive online research to determine which methods of farming are best for us, what crops have the greatest chance to grow, what tools will we require, and what kind of skills we need to practice. Every student will apply what he or she have learned and be ready to solve any problems we encounter. Also, the students will ultimately decide how we will use this garden to benefit our school.

  1. How will this project be assessed?

  • I plan to keep a detailed journal. In this document I will record the both the successes and failures of this project, any observable student improvement, and my personal thoughts about the effectiveness of the project as a learning opportunity.

  • I also am planning to utilize digital video and capture the important events during this long journey so that students will be able to revisit and witness any personal growth that they have achieved.

  1. Is the budget reasonable?

The budget for this proposal is reasonable because it is not more than $3,000.

Below are some questions the Martha Holden Jennings reviewers consider. You are not required to answer them, but it pays to know what the readers want to know.

  • Is this grant innovative or unique for the classroom, school or district?

  • What is the potential impact of the project on deep learning? To what extent will the grant specifically promote deep learning?

  • Could the materials or equipment requested be purchased with district, community/local, state or federal funds?

  • Are the activities involved age-appropriate?

  • Is there evidence that this project addresses a critical student or teacher need in the classroom, school or district?

  • If the grant requests the purchase of books or equipment, does it include a clear implementation plan with expected outcomes that justify the purchase?

  • Does the plan for evaluating the grant adequately assess the project’s impact on deep learning?

  • Will this grant be used by more than one classroom?

  • Has adequate time been allowed for the review process? Is the application form carefully written and edited?


1 - okay

2 - but you don't tell me how - it should be evident to the reader

3 - okay, where are the academic objectives?

4 - do you know specifically what will happen when? The author should tell us.

5 - okay

6 - no, it is reasonable because the amount they ask for addresses the needs. Though they should have provided a brief rationale so the reader knows why something is being purchased