Project Management Plan

Project Management Communication Plan


Kick off Meeting







Project management board

Introduce project

Face to face


Stakeholders & Project team

Project manager

Agenda & Minutes

Project team


Review project status

Conference call


Project team

Project manager

Agenda & Minutes

Weekly Project


Report status

Face to Face


Project manager & Stakeholders

Project manager


Project Status Report

Project progress, cost, and issues

Face to face & Social Media


Project Manager, Stakeholders & Consumer

Project manager

Report status

Project Management Communication Plan

This communication plan is developed under the management system of the project for the project that takes at least one month. This project involves the training of employees to instill the required knowledge under the now advancing technology. The communication plan begins within the first week of the month (February) 1/2/2017. On this date, all the stakeholders, project manager, and the project team meet to figure out how the project will unroll. The meeting will be chaired by the project manager, and the key audience will be the stakeholders. This session will be done only once. Another session that involves the project manager and the project teams will review the status of the team as well as those of the resources that were budgeted to ensure the success of the project. This meeting will be done only once to get the project team started.

The third meeting that will be held will be one that will be done every week to check and confirm the status of the project. This basically, will be confirming whether the project is running on course as planned and whether much time or money will be spent on an early preparation. This meeting will also help in adjusting the budget regarding that which is already used and the outstanding balance. Finally, at the end of the project, there will be a final meeting that will involve the stakeholders, project manager, and the project team. It will be conducted face to face to update everyone on the progress of the project. The key message will be report status (was it a hit or a miss?). The conclusion will then be passed to the potential consumers via the organization's website and other social media.


Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2011). Project Management: The managerial process.

Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.