Formulating a Research Question

Glossary of Terms

One of the most important competencies a research investigator must acquire is that of understanding the importance of the subject matter language. Knowing what various terms do or do not mean in the field of forensic psychology and research methodology is vital if the results of any research endeavor are to be communicated successfully to the reading audience and to other professionals in forensics and psychology. To quickly become competent in the terminology of forensic psychology and behavioral and social science research, you are presented with a glossary of terms.

Glossary of terms.

Beginning with your next assignment, use the terms in this glossary correctly as you complete the assignments in the remainder of the course.

The glossary of terms includes terms associated with research methodology and statistical processes, human behavior, scientific inquiry, forensics, ethics, and psychology as related to forensics.

In addition, as you do your reading from this module through Module 5, add to the glossary other terms to apply in the appropriate context.

Although nothing needs to be submitted for this task, the glossary will be needed throughout the course. Each assignment in the remainder of the course will have a grading criterion related to using the terminology consistently and appropriately.

Terms may be drawn not only from your textbook but also from other primary or secondary sources and course lecture presentations.