Week 5 - Final Project Lesson plan

Running Head: LESSON PLAN

Lesson Plan

Delia Garza

Section 1

Grade Level

The students of this lesson will be third graders with ages ranging from eight years to nine years of age. This is the perfect time for the children to learn the concept that will be taught as per this lesson plan. Teaching approaches will pay attention to this grade level.

Estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade

These children can rightly be concluded to belong to the early childhood stage of development. They are taught simple concepts that can be understood over the course of one lesson.

Number of students

The number of students will not exceed the classroom capacity. This is so as to offer the most conducive learning environment possible (Caper, 2009). Hence 24 will be the number of students taught.

Fundamental skill to be taught

The children will be taught the different how to apply critical thinking to physical education by participating in an outdoor scavenger hunt coupled with clues.

State standard

The most appropriate standard for this lesson is standard three.

Section 2

Provide a brief description of the lesson

The lesson will equip the children with skills of applying physical education with critical thinking. The children will be divided into groups and they will be expected to work together to uncover the mystery prize that is at the end of the scavenger hunt. They will be issued with clues which will guide them to the wear bouts of the next clue. The ones who decrypt the meaning of the clue fast will progress ahead while the others will be left behind. The groups will be appropriately distanced from each other so that no discussion info will be overheard. The group that uncovers all the clues first will be given the mystery prize. The clues complexities will be below their level (Casper & Theilheimer, 2009).

Student learning objective

` At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to apply critical thinking physical education, hence learning how the concepts of education are interrelated.

Describe your system for classroom management and student grouping

The class of twenty-four students will be grouped into three groups each consisting of eight students each. The students will be required to work together to uncover the mystery prize at the end of the scavenger hunt through a system of clues (Barbosa, 2011). The final prize at the end of the scavenger hunt will remain a mystery. This is intended to boost their curiosity levels hence fostering their thinking. Places, where the students are caught up, will be followed by the issuance of clues. This is to ensure progression. The winners of the scavenger hunt will get to keep the treasure. If all of the students fail at the end of the lesson, the clues will be explained to them but no one will claim the prize.

Describe the equipment needed and the environment

The outdoors is the most appropriate venue for a scavenger. The school playground will be used where the clues will be hidden around various components of the playground such as swings slides etc. The classroom will also be partially used as it will be the starting point where each group will be given the first clue and be instructed to proceed to the playground. The chalkboard will also be used during this first segment as a means to explain to the children the rules of the scavenger hunt and possible disqualification reasons (Lesson plan, 2006).

The children will hence be taught the merits of applying critical thinking to everyday situations in a manner that is fun and relatable. Such scavenger hunts will be made an integral part of the teaching process.


Barbosa, J. (2011). The lesson plan.

Casper, V & Theilheimer, R (2009). Introduction to early childhood education: Learning together. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Lesson plan. (2006). Whangaparaoa, N.Z.: Interactive Education.