Week 5: Student Response to Discussion 1 and 2

week 5 disc 1

Willie Williams

2/8/2017 6:44:35 PM

The first critical literary theory I would like to talk about is psychoanalytical criticism. I found this very interesting, as not only are you diving into the character that your reading material is about, but you are literally exploring the writers themselves to discover why they did what they did. I think that an environment absolutely has an effect on the way a writer writes, thus giving energy from one’s surroundings to the story. I also find it interesting that one could interpret the text that their reading by figuring out the psychology of the fictional character. I suppose that if you understand the character, you understand the story. Next I would like to discuss formalism or new criticism. I find this critical literary theory interesting because it is something I have actually never considered. I do not agree with it at all, as I believe that there is much more meaning to a story than what you find in the text. However, I still do agree that there are many important aspects within style, structure and other writing techniques. Putting these things together well is most definitely what ultimately makes a story interesting to read.

What makes these so much different is that one has much to do with external motivation and influence, whereas the other theory would not even explore any of those things, and focus solely on the writing aspect.