
Project Overview

For the course project, you will develop a Diversity Management Proposal that uses the five steps of the decision making process (listed below) for solving a diversity issue within an organization that you've worked for, an organization that you have researched or are familiar with.

  1. Recognize a problem or opportunity

  2. Develop alternative solutions to the problem

  3. Evaluate alternatives

  4. Select and Implement chosen alternative

  5. Follow up to Determine effectiveness of decision.

You will address your proposal to the decision-makers of the company who have the power to implement your solution.

Due Date

Your final project is due in Module 05 and you will upload the entire project in Optimal Resume in Module 06. There are individual assignments along the way. The module they are due is noted in the time line below.

Time Line




Topic Selection / Purpose Statement


Outline of Proposal


Annotated Bibliography


Rough Draft of Proposal


Final Proposal Due


Combine all completed assignments with rubrics and submit to Optimal Resume: Transferable Skills Course Project Collection


Your final paper must 5 - 8 pages long. It should use correct proposal format except that it should use double spacing. Your research must include at least one interview and two valid print sources. Include both in text citations and a References page in APA format.