Business Planning Writing a Business Plan 2 Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 1 Business Plan  Cover Page  Table of Contents  Executive Summary  Business Description  Industry Analysis  The Market  Development & Production  Sales and Marketing  Management  Financial Data Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 2 Market Analysis  Normally follows the industry analysis  Industry analysis focuses on the broad business domain  Market analysis breaks the industry into segments and focuses on a specific segment (target market)  Better to serve a specific market very well then to service all of it! Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 3 Market Section  Describes a target market  Customers, competitors  How it will compete in the marketplace  Potential sales & market share  (Marketing & sales section covers marketing/sales functions)  Keep them separate Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 4 Market Section  Like the industry analysis -  It defines the nature of the business & the nature of the plan  i.e.forecast of sales impacts on the firms manufacturing outputs, for the marketing plan, how many people to hire etc.  By understanding the market the more it can match the product Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 5 Market Analysis  Develops the product/services to the needs of the users  Shows investors that the company has a well thought out target market  Understanding customers  Making sales, even with competition  Communicates potential in the market Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 6 Market Analysis  Latter factor important as -  Has to be consistent with the goals of the organisation  Investors want to see demonstration of sales and ROI  5 to 20 times the original investment  Well developed marketing analysis usually takes considerable time Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 7 Market Analysis  Segment to determine your customer  May have more than one market in some cases  Describe both/all market characteristics  Example ??? Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 8 Market Segmentation  If you have shown this in the business plan recap here  If not - cover the basics  Describe market segmentation - process of dividing market into subsets  These must behave in the same way or have similar needs Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 9 How to segment?  By different means -  Geographically, country, province etc  Demographically, age, gender, family size, income etc  Psychographic variables - personality, life - style,values  Product type - varies by product Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 10 Testing your assumptions  Homogeneity of needs & wants appear within the segment  Heterogeneity of needs & wants exist between the segments  Differences in the segment must be small compared to differences across segments  The segments should be distinct so that members can be identified  Should be possible to determine the size of the segment  Segment should be large enough to be profitable Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 11 Mintel  This helps you different segmentation methods in different industries  Consult trade directories  Talk to major participants in your industry, suppliers, distributors, customers Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 12 Selection  Select the target with the best prospects  And that offers best ‘fit’ for you - professionally & personally  Big mistake to tackle all the market!  Too difficult/expensive Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 13 Selection  Targeting one market allows the firm to become an expert in a particular area.  Test the market by analysing trends  Is it a large and healthy market? Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 14 Market Size & Trends  An estimate as to its potential  Show your methodology & assumptions  Credibility of the plan will be affected if you guess  If what you are selling is already available use Mintel/websites etc to track size of industries & segments Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 15 A market that doesn’t exist  Marketing research is needed  E.g. to determine size of the market open one store to assess the market  This will be judged by:  Reasonableness of assumptions made  The degree to which the numbers are anchored to facts and sound analysis  Degree of effort made to do this given time/budget constraints Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 16 Buyer Behaviour  Behaviour in a given target market  The more you know the more you can accommodate customer needs  Focus on the core needs of the customer  i.e. older people - social interaction  Collect information about your segmentation method i.e. an understanding of a certain age group, & or lifestyle segment Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 17 B2B markets  Determine the Decision Makers & Influencers in the DMU ( Decision making Unit)  Length of buying process  A Committee decision?  High involvement purchase ? ( time & effort)  Low involvement purchase? Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 18 Competitor Analysis  Do not say you have no competitors  People can spend their money in different ways  Look for direct, indirect & potential competitors  Use a model - a competitive analysis grid/map to look for issues/advantages  Make adjustments if needed Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 19 Competitors  Direct - offers a product/service similar to yours  Indirect - close substitutes  Future competitors - potential to move into your market  Also make a statement about the scope and intensity of the competition  Understand the strategies & behaviours of competitors Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 20 Estimate Sales and Market Share  Track sales numbers in your industry  Check trade associations (Mintel etc)  Or find a comparable firm selling a comparable product  Discuss your assumptions when estimating  Use the internet for firms in your industry Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 21 Multiplication method  Estimate total users of the product  Estimate average price customer will be willing to pay  Estimate the size of the market  Start - ups often use a bottom up approach -  Determine how many customers to expect  Average each one will spend  Computed weekly, monthly, yearly basis Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 22 Large segment  Example  H20 iPod waterproof housing  Number of people in sports that get wet?  Swimming, surfboarding etc  Locate data on people who listen to their iPod while exercising  Estimate the amount of people who engage in wet sports who are iPod users  Primary research - % of people who would be your product & how much they would spend (sample) Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 23 Market Analysis  Use a combination of these methods  Rationalise your ideas on the plan  Check for inconsistencies Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan - Part 2 24 Any Questions ??? Reflections Frankie Lim S3_Writing a Business Plan – Part 2 25