Wendy Lewis


IT 210: Final Project Milestone One:

Internship Activity

LaNisha Williams

Southern New Hampshire University


E-Business is becoming more popular on a daily basis. Small businesses look to E-Business because in the long run the cost to the business is less expensive and online purchasing is the way of the future. The question is, what is the best avenue to go when taking on this project as a small business owner? Every business has different needs and some business owners are more or less tech savvy than others. So what is the most efficient avenue for you? Which company can deliver your needs and accomplish your goals.

Company Overviews

Apptivo. A CRM company that offers affordable solutions that allows businesses to collaborate with customers and partners. Over 50 applications offered; all applications can be fully customizable and easily upgraded. Apptivo is not only a CRM software solution company it also offers apps that cover Project managing, financials and logistics. (Apptivo.com) A web host would be needed as Apptivo does not provide that service. However Apptivo does offer mobile CRM which gives real-time data. Any web changes will show on the mobile apps as well as customer leads and new sales opportunities. This is a good on-the-go software. Receiving real time information on-the-go allows for efficient and accurate business decisions to be made and faster resolutions for customers.

Zoho CRM. With cloud based solutions, Zoho can track sales of activity, foresee customer behavior and keep sales processed streamlined. (Zoho.com) Zoho states, that they can bring a 41% revenue increase, 27% improvement in customer retention, 23% decrease in sales and marketing cost and 24% decrease in sales cycles. Less time on the sales cycle means the company makes money quicker. Zoho can help your company in many areas including managing your social media interactions. Social media is a big advertising avenue. With Zoho, keeping track of real-time social media interactions will help the business respond to customer’s feedback in a faster, more efficient way.

Chetu. Chetu is a Cloud Computing Solutions Company that offers many different types of cloud computing services, such as, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). (Chetu.com) This company builds software from scratch, specially tailored for specific industries and individual company needs. Because Chetu can build software for specific industries and company needs, they are able to easily add or change things as your company grows.


My recommendation is Chetu. The company goals can be meet and more. Chetu will be able to deliver the following-

Facilitate E-Business-

  • Ability to build a pro shop website and mobile platforms. Making it easy for yourself and customers to view and order products and services.


  • Cloud-Based order management and fulfillment systems. This system will expedite shipping/receiving, return management, and inventory planning capabilities.

  • Create shipping software that integrates with 3rd party vendors, i.e. USPS, UPS and FedEX.

Social Network Integration- Chetu can manage our social media tracking and tag it with a loyalty program.

Tee-Times- Within the program, they will create a tee-time booking application integrated with daily tee-time sheet.


After researching as you can see Chetu, would be the most sophisticated, easy, professional way to transition from a retail to an online store. What I like about Chetu is that they create the software and applications for you from scratch based on your needs, wants and industry. Because they build your software specifically for your company, when your company grows, it is easy to add-in applications to your software. Zoho and Apptivo offer great products; however Chetu will give you the full package and they do all the work for you from web hosting to web security so that your business will run smoothly.


Apptivo. http://www.apptivo.com/. Retreived January 27th, 2017

Chetu-World-Class Software Solution. http://www.chetu.com/Chetu-Landing-Page/Clubhouse-Software.php. Retrieved January 27th, 2017.

Rainer, R. K., Prince, B., & Cegielski, C. G. (2014). Introduction to information systems: supporting and transforming business (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.

Zoho CRM. https://www.zoho.com/crm/lp/general-crm.html?gclid=CKe7naiI6dECFYS1wAodQckEPA. Retreived January 27th, 2017.
