VERY simple application, beginner level

SDSU MIS 481 Schedule No: 22224

Assignment: 1

Due Date: February 21, 2017

By completing this assignment you will learn how to use Visual Web Developer environment, use Server Controls (textbox, labels, dropdown, checkbox, radio buttons, buttons, etc.), Code-Behind with Visual Basic programming (Arrays, for loops, if/then statements, variables, functions)

Description: Design the interface for a DVD rental company. You are to create three pages with the following names and functionalities.

login.aspx: This page should contain the following input areas

• Email address (used as user account and check to make sure that the e-mail address is in the right format. i.e. “@” and “.” is included in the e-mail using Character Array search)

• Password

• Login button

• Create New Account button (when clicked should navigate to new_account.aspx)

• Error display area

• new_account.aspx: This page should contain the following input areas

• First Name

• Last Name

• Email Address (used as user account and check to make sure that the e-mail address is in the right format. i.e. @ and . is included in the e-mail using Character Array search)

• Password

• Confirm Password

• Type of Account drop down

• Administrator

• Cashier

• Customer

• Error display

• Search.aspx: This page should contain the following input areas

• Genre Drop down

• Horror

• SciFi

• Romance

• Comedy

• Action

• Radio Button list for (New Releases, Old Releases, Upcoming Releases)

• Cheek box list (Display 5 movies with a rental price associated with it)

• Button When clicked, display the names of selected movies from the check list above and display total amount plus an additional $1 for tax.