
Running Head: Application Lifecycle Management

Application Lifecycle Management

Charles K. Byrd

Professor Eric Brandenburg

CSIA 310


This paper proposes the VersionOne application lifecycle management tool for development of requests by Aberdeen Software. This tool integrates the use of agile development life cycle process for designing and developing software. VersionOne supports a variety of organizational levels alongside with incremental methodologies like Scale Agile Framework, LeSS and Enterprise Scrum for hybrid building process of applications. The designing and building process employed by this product ensures software designed of high quality and meet customers’ requirements.

Features, capabilities, and deficiencies

Defect Tracking

VersionOne is the rated as one of the most valuable tools when it comes to managing the errors within a system. During the development process before the final product is frequently released, the software may contain some bugs which need to be addressed. The bugs are controlled and fixed by identifying and tracking and then resolving them to produce a bug-free system for testing. The application tool guides the developing team on how to monitor and fix the bugs encountered in the system (Aiello & Sachs, 2016). It also provides the team with an interface for viewing the unresolved issues within the system that need to be addressed. The team also has an advantage of tracking their progress when managing the software defects.

Iteration Planning

The tool has incorporated the incremental developmental tools which allow management of iteration process. The plan involves the team members deciding on the activities and tasks to accomplish during a single sprint of the designing process. Allocation of individual tasks is done to each member of the team, and their performance is monitored during the entire course. When a single work is completed, it is then put into testing before proceeding to the next (DeCarlo, Doherty, Levey, Nelson, & Pramberger, 2009). The functions are commonly given priorities, and they are then done in the order preferences.

Project Management

The use of project management module allows the project managers to hit milestones and provide the market with quality and accurate project status to deliver the project goals (What is Agile Project Management?, 2017). Project managers can control and have a clear overview of the project as well as the performance of the team members in the project. Project monitoring and management entail break down of the whole project into sub-tasks which can be done quickly and be completed within the accepted timeline.

Release management

Release management usually helps the development team to plan, manage and control the software releases. VersionOne implements the strategic design that facilitates the coordination of the activities that support a deployment of the releases in the external market. The implementation process ensures some aspects like quality, regulatory mechanisms and other compliance aspects are well taken care of before the whole procedure begins. Release management is typically done throughout the entire developmental progress and all the incremental releases.

Task Management

The application tool proposed comprises of a robust task management module that supports definition, categorization, and organization of tasks. The device also supports tracking of tasks along with their schedules to avoid being faced with time deadlines crisis. Filtering of tasks is made efficient using search filter and sort function in the system (Göthe, 2008).The grouping and classification of tasks make it easy to handle related tasks in designing the applications.

Test case tracking

VersionOne uses rapid testing to guarantee quality, working application by agile QA teams. Test management is carried out by defining the scope that needs to be done to a system. VersionOne has functionalities that can allow the designers’ team to write and store the test cases for later reviews. It also supports organization of the test cases in a folder which is easier to manage and work with. The tool also guides the team on the procedure to follow when doing the system tests along with the definition of tests schedule.


The use VersionOne tool requires comprehensive training of the team members prior to utilization in controlling and managing the software. In the case of inadequate training, it may render the tool inefficient as the users will find hard to interpret the results and even work with it. The integration of the application lifecycle in a project may lead to overall increase in the cost of developing a software. Thus the involvement may sometimes cause economic bottlenecks to the company.

How VersionOne supports cyber security objectives

VersionOne application management software uses the agile developmental approach which supports testing of the software throughout the software development lifecycle. Some of the most challenging situations facing the IT companies is the testing of the applications. In some cases, you get the applications being tested at the end of the development lifecycle which makes systems less efficient in terms security performance. The application management software proposed in this paper will allow Aberdeen Software Company to develop a secure system by ensuring confidentiality, privacy, authentication, authorization, integrity, availability of data.

Privacy guarantees the protection of the information from disclosure from unauthorized persons or entities from outside from the system. This protection ensures data remains secretive throughout the entire transactions. Integrity makes sure that the information in cyber security systems designed is not altered or manipulated in any way as it is being transferred between the organizations (Göthe, 2008). Availability, on the other hand, facilitates application clients get access to timely and update information any time they need it to execute their jobs. Another goal of security I have authentication integrated into the cyber security systems to allow verification of the entities operating the systems. Planning achieves the security and working on the five primary goals of security as early as possible. The testing of the system security performance is done throughout to guarantee high privacy and confidentiality of data.


Aiello, B., & Sachs, L. (2016, June 7). Agile Application Lifecycle Management. Boston: Addison-Wesley Professional.

DeCarlo, J., Doherty, L., Levey, R., Nelson, J., & Pramberger, J. (2009). Application lifecycle management with SCLM on System Z. New York, NY, USA. Retrieved from http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg247592.pdf

Göthe, M. (2008). Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management. New York, NY, USA: IBM. Retrieved from http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg247622.pdf

Gousset, M., Keller, B., & Woodward, M. (2012). Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley.

What is Agile Project Management? (2017). Retrieved February 10, 2017, from www.versionone.com: https://www.versionone.com/agile-project-management/