answer the question

Read Chapter 2 and answer the question.

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  1. Identify three basic, yet major concepts which were dealt with in this reading:

There are various concepts which have been dealt with in this reading. The first concept is the fact that the society used technology in early days to gain wealth and prosperity. However, there has been a change in the society since the environment have been affected. Thus means that the society has become conscious and the society is now shaping the technology to ensure that there is no negative effect on the environment (Teich, 2012). The second concept is social constructionism. This is a concept which sees knowledge as a product of human mind hence as a product of the society. This means that technology is a product of the mind hence it can be shaped by the society. The third concept is society problem concept where technology is seen as a result of the problems facing the society.

  1. What do you believe to be the most insightful idea in this reading?

There are various ideas which are insightful in the reading. One of the main ideas is that technology is created by groups of people who have beliefs and values shaped by the community. This means that the society can be able to shape the kind of technology which is brought into existence.

  1. What do you believe to be the greatest weakness in this selection?

There are various weaknesses which can be seen. One of the weakness is that there are people who still think and view knowledge regarding positivism where knowledge is seen as a product of nature instead of social knowledge. This means that the society cannot be able to shape technology and hence the society should just be shaped by technology which can be a great risk.

  1. What are the ethical issues and perspectives that are associated with this technology?

Technology has affected ethics of people. One of the issues is the increased invasion of privacy of people and companies which are unethical. There is also increased cases of theft which is also unethical. Technology have ethics and perspectives in the society.

  1. What are the social, cultural, or environmental issues associated with this technology?

There are many issues which are related to technology. One of the issues is the increased rate of rumors and immorality as a result of the internet which affects the society. There is also the issue of environmental damage as a result of technology which has led to global warming. There is the issue of increased theft. Technology is therefore seen to cause many problems.


Teich, A. (2012). Technology & the future. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.