Sheep Lab Report

Lab Write -Up Rubric Lab Write -Ups are worth 10 points total and are due at the beginning of lab each week.  Content (7 points)  Key issues and questions from the prompt are identified and answered  Incorporat es a critical level of thinking  Reflects on course mater ials (i.e. readings, lectures, lab , etc.) and utilizes factually correct information in order to provide a quality response  Grammar (2 points)  Proper sentence structure is used and sentences make sense/flow together  Provides clear, concise com ments formatted in an easy to read style  Free of grammatical or spelling errors 
  Format (1 point)  Must be typed!  Minimum of 1 page in length , but does not exceed 3 pages  1 inch margins, 12 point font, double spaced  Only student name appears at the top