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Access to Health Care

Access to health care in the United States encompasses a system of service providers that

make a complete system. In this light, the access to health care has been a subject of discussion

since the early 1870s. Importantly, the access to health care has gr own over time from home health

care provision to the hospitals in large cities (Gulliford & Morgan , 2013) . Notably, the history of

the health care in the United States has been motivated by the series of endless scientific

innovations over the years. In this way, the innovations have seen the system grow from the

constraints of health care access to the decli ne of mortality rates due to increased access to health

care. Clearly, in the early 1990s, the chronic diseases rose to be the leading causes of deaths

(Gulliford & Morgan , 2013) . In this light, the developed systems that constituted of the new

procedures such as the x -rays and chemotherapy improved the health care access to the society.

Some of the factors that improved the health care access increments include the improved

expenditures on health care programs. The governments increase the expenditures on health care

that caused a rise in the GDP to approximately 4% (Gulliford & Morgan , 2013) . Importantly, the

health care access and maintenance organization act formed and enacted in 1973 has laid strategies

such as; improve and increased health system agen cies, clarification of the role of competition

among the health organization and inclusion of innovative technology in health care (Gulliford &

Morgan , 2013) . Importantly, the access to health care has been improved due to the presence of

different agencie s such as; independent providers, nurses, allied healthcare professionals as well

as the Nonallopathic providers. Access to health care is a social amenity that contributes to the

wellbeing of the community.