Research methods unit VI Scholarly Activity and DQ Question

MBA 5652, Research Methods 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit VI Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 6. Conduct an environmental scan of an organization to result in an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). 8. Summarize how a company applies research methods to solve problems within the organization. 8.1 Explain how research methods can assist in solving company problems through the use of a SWOT analysis. Reading Assignment In order to access the following resource(s), click the link(s) below: Garner, R. (2005). “SWOT” tactics. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 74 (1), 17 -19. Retrieved from t=tr ue&db=a9h&AN=19856881&site=ehost -live&scope=site Adams, J. (2005). Analyze your company using SWOTs. Supply House Times, 48 (7), 26 -28. Retrieved from t=true&db=bth&AN=18380981&site=ehost -live&scope=site The Boston Consulting Group. (2015, December). The Boston Consulting Gro up SWOT Analysis , 1 -7. Retrieved from

direct=true&db=bth&AN=118238001&site=ehost -live&scope=site Sprint Corporation SWOT Analysis. (2015, December). Sprint Corporation SWOT Analysis , 1 -9. Retrieved from

direct=true&db=bth&AN=112343645&site=ehost -live&scope=site Unit Lesson The unit lessons for this course are presented through interactive presentations. Each slide has audio that accompanies it. On ce the narration for each slide is complete, the presentation will automatically advance to the next slide. If you would like to stop the presentation on any slide, click the pause button on the bottom left hand side of the presentation. When you are finis hed watching the presentation, simply close the browser window. To view the lesson, click on the link below: Click here to view a video that will provide additional insight on both the SWOT analysis and the PEST (also known as PESTEL) analysis. The presentation contains closed captioning if needed. To learn how to enable this feature, click here to view a guide on navigating and using the presentation. To print the presentation with a transcript for each s lide, click here . UNIT VI STUDY GUIDE The Use of Research Methods in Compiling a SWOT Analysis MBA 5652, Research Methods 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Suggested Reading The following website provides several examples of SWOT analyses that may be helpful when you are completing your SWOT analysis in this unit’s assignment. Berry, T. (n.d). SWOT analysis examples. Retrieved from -analysis -examples/ This webpage contains more information about what a SWOT analysis is and how one should be used. NetMBA. (n.d.). SWOT analysis. Retrieved from