please read all the infomation below carefully

Primary Source Comparison

Primary Source Comparison




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Sources

Student chose two primary sources from the readings assigned for class

5.0 pts

Student did not make use of any of the primary sources assigned for classs

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePick an issue

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Student identified an historical issue, topic or problem. Student identified the chronological and geographic limits (where and when) of that issue. Student articulated clearly why that issue/topic/problem is worthy of scholarly study.

20.0 pts

Student identified an historical issue, topic or problem. Student identified the chronological and geographic limits (where and when) of that issue. Student does not explain why the topic is significant or explains in only in very broad terms

15.0 pts

Student identified an historical issue, topic or problem. Student fails to anchor that issue to a time and place or presents the issue in vague or inaccurate terms. Student fails to explain the significance of the topic.

10.0 pts

Student struggles to identify and describe an historical issue, topic or problem to discuss. The description contains significant cases of over-generalization and/or factual errors.

5.0 pts

Student failed to complete this part of the assignment

0.0 pts

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompare and contrast

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Student compares and contrasts the information that his/her source provides on his/her chosen issue. Student offers specific examples of agreement and disagreement from the texts. Student shows ability to read between the lines and shows awareness of authorial intent and bias.

20.0 pts

Student compares and contrasts the information that his/her sources provide on his/her chosen issue. Student makes general nods to the texts, but does not point to specific information or moments in the text. Student shows knowledge of the text on the page, but does not demonstrate an ability to read between the lines or make inferences

15.0 pts

Student compares and contrasts the sources in general terms, but makes no specific references to incidents or characteristics of the sources. Student may make errors in his/her presentation of the sources' content

10.0 pts

Student offers a summary of the two sources with little analysis.

5.0 pts

Student failed to fulfill this section of the assignment

0.0 pts

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConsensus and/or Disagreement

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Student identifies and explains at least two conclusions that can be drawn based on the agreement or disagreement of the sources. These conclusions are specific to the time and place being discussed and student refers to specific material from the text to support these conclusions.

20.0 pts

Student identified and explained at least two conclusions that could be drawn based on the agreement or disagreement of the sources. However, these conclusions may be overly general and/or the student may fail to forge a strong link between the sources and the time and place to which they belong. Student makes general mention of events or material in the texts without pointing to any specific sections or moments.

15.0 pts

Student draws at least one conclusion. However, student should little or no consciousness of the texts original context. Student makes little or no reference to the sources

10.0 pts

Student draws broad, vague conclusion tha reveals minimal familiarity with the sources. Student shows no consciousness of historical context.

5.0 pts

Student failed to fulfill this section of the assignment

0.0 pts

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistorical Question

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Student poses an original question which demonstrates understanding of the both the sources and the historical setting to which they belong. The student’s question can generate two or more original, interesting theses (arguments). Answering the question requires the student to draw connections between the speficic (sources) and the general (a major historical issue of the period in question). Student uses evidence from the sources to show how the question relates to the sources and how the sources might be used to answer the question.

20.0 pts

Student poses a question that may demonstrate some understanding of the source and the historical setting, but the question is overly vague not especially insightful or original and does not lead to a particularly informative thesis (argument); Student make reference to the source when explaining how it relates to the question, but may demonstrate a shaky incomplete understanding of how the source relates to the question, or may address the source only in broad, indirect ways.

15.0 pts

Student poses a question that demands a descriptive rather than an analytic answer; student shows little awareness of the connection between the sources and the lecture and/or the broader historical issue; Student makes no references to the primary source text

10.0 pts

Student poses a purely descriptive question; student makes no effort to connect the source and the broader topic or student poses a question that does not relate to the source; student fails to make any use of the sources.

5.0 pts

Student failed to fulfill this section of the assignment

0.0 pts

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomefootnotes

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Student documents all of the material he/she takes from writings not his/her own by using properly-formated footnotes in an appropriate manner

10.0 pts

Student documents some but not all of the material he/she takes from writings not his/her own and/or student does not adhere to any accepted footnote format and/or student uses footnotes inappropriately

5.0 pts

Student fails to use footnotes to document the sources of his/her evidence

0.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomestyle and presentation

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Student's paper is free of spelling errors and grammar mistakes. Student's paper is written in academic style.

5.0 pts

Spelling and grammar errors disrupt reader's ability to follow the student's line of thought; paper is written in an informal and/or non-academic style

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0